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15/10 7:50 pm
Bill to amend National Wages Consultative Council Act tabled for first reading - SUN

KUALA LUMPUR : The National Wages Consultative Council (Amendment) Bill 2024 was tabled for its first reading in the Dewan Rakyat today

the Sabah Labour Ordinance (Cap. 67) and the Sarawak Labour Ordinance (Cap. 76). The proposed amendment will extend the scope of contract of service and consequently, the provisions relating to the minimum wage under Act 732 will also apply to an employee under an apprenticeship contract.

RUU Mufti Wilayah sudah melalui proses libat urus komprehensif, jangan cetus provokasi - Mgazette - 15/10 7:48 pm

Pejabat Menteri sedang giat melaksanakan sesi penerangan berkaitan isu-isu berbangkit terhadap RUU Mufti ini bagi menjelaskan kekeliruan dan salah faham yang timbul

Dakwaan RUU Mufti digubal tergesa-gesa tidak benar - Mohd Na'im - Astroawani - 15/10 3:45 pm

Dakwaan kononnya Rang Undang-Undang (RUU) Mufti (Wilayah Persekutuan) 2024 digubal secara tergesa-gesa dan dipengaruhi pihak tertentu adalah tidak benar.

Religious affairs minister denies claims Mufti Bill 2024 drafted in haste - Malaymail - 15/10 2:11 pm

PUTRAJAYA, Oct 15 Claims that the Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill 2024 was drafted hastily and influenced by certain...

Mufti Perlis ajak menteri agama berdialog isu RUU Mufti Wilayah - FMT - 14/10 7:55 pm

Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin meminta media rasmi kerajaan memberi ruang kepadanya berdialog dengan Mohd Na'im Mokhtar.

RUU mufti tak libat Malaysia Timur, NGO diberitahu usah ‘teruja’ - FMT - 14/10 6:35 pm

Menteri Sarawak ulas bantahan 14 NGO Sabah dan negeri itu yang suarakan bantahan ke atas RUU mufti.

DPM Fadillah tables Bill proposing tougher penalties, making polluters pay .. - Malaymail - 14/10 5:08 pm

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 14 The Water Services Industry (Amendment) Bill 2024, which aims to empower courts to order polluter...

Fatwas under proposed Bill only binding on Muslims - SUN - 14/10 7:41 am

KUALA LUMPUR : Minister in the Prime Ministers Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Naim Mokhtar has clarified that the fatwas (edicts) enacted under the Mufti Bill (Federal Territories) 2024 are binding only on Muslims and limited to the jurisdiction of the states

government control. Mohd Naim said it should be understood that any fatwa under the Mufti Bill is only binding on Muslims and limited to the jurisdiction of the states through Item 1 of the Second List State List in the Ninth Schedule of the Federal Constitution. Before a fatwa can be binding, the King of Malaysia has to grant consent to it, with the advice of the Islamic Religious Council. Additionally, the fatwa cannot conflict with any written laws, he said in a statement posted on his Facebook page. He added that the Bill comprises sections such as an introduction, mufti and deputy mufti, fatwa committee, the issuance of fatwas, determination of the qibla, falak syarie (syariah astronomy) committee, rukyah hilal (sighting of the new moon) committee, Islamic Teachings Oversight Committee, aqidah (faith) discussions and several other matters. Mohd Naim said the separation of powers between the Islamic Religious Department, mufti and syariah courts will be more clearly defined under the Mufti Bill, and the administration of justice under syariah courts and Islamic laws under the jurisdiction of a mufti will be under separate Acts. He stressed that individual rights to freedom are guaranteed under the Constitution, although not absolute, as they are limited by specific provisions such as Articles 8(5)(a), 10, and 11(5). For example, the right to freedom of religion under Article 11 of the Constitution is about living with faith, not living without it. The right to freedom of religion for Muslims means the freedom to practise the true teachings of their faith as determined by the ulil amri, or religious leaders. The determination of the true teachings of Islam must be based on syariah law. The mufti of the Federal Territories is solely responsible for addressing questions of syariah law governing Muslims in Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya, Latheefa said the proposed Bill governing the office of the Federal Territories mufti would grant far-reaching powers to an unelected official appointed by a minister while dictating the lives of Muslims and how they should practise their faith. She urged MPs debating the Bill in Parliament today to overwhelmingly reject it, and slammed ruling MPs for remaining silent on the issue some three months after it was first tabled in July. She said the silence and timidity of DAP and Sabah and Sarawak MPs on the Bill are greatly disappointing, and urged them to act for the good of the people and uphold the Constitution as they have sworn to defend. Latheefa said the Bill effectively creates two chief authorities for Islamic affairs in the federal territories a mufti in addition to the King of Malaysia, who is the constitutional head of Islam as well as the federal territories and states without a sultan. She said by making the mufti the highest authority next to the King, the Bill derogates the position of the King as the head of Islam in Malaysia as stipulated in Articles 3(5) and 34(1) of the Constitution. The mufti is appointed upon advice of the minister, and therefore the federal government will obtain wide powers and authority over every aspect of the religious practices of Muslims in this country once the Bill is law. This is not the role envisaged for the federal government under our Constitution. It is against the basic structure of our Constitution and thus unconstitutional.

Federal Territory DAPs proposal for appointment of councillors in DBKL a progressive approach, says Loke - SUN - 13/10 6:17 pm

On concerns surrounding the Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill, Loke, who is also Transport Minister, said he had asked Bangi Member of Parliament, Syahredzan Johan to scrutinise the bill and brief the partys lawmakers on it. This followed a statement by the Minister in the Prime Ministers Department (Religious Affairs), Datuk Dr Mohd Naim Mokhtar yesterday calling all parties not to create doubts among the Muslim and non-Muslim communities that could lead to misinterpretations of the Mufti Bill (Federal Territories) 2024.

reform, by first having more appointed councillors in DBKL, from the current board of advisers, not even councillors. I think as a first step, appointing councillors is a good move. Eventually, of course, our major aim is to have local council elections. However, considering the current constraints, this is probably a progressive approach and something that can be considered, he told at a press conference after opening the Federal Territory DAP Convention here. The appointment of councillors was among the key resolutions passed by the FT DAP chapter today with its chairman Tan Kok Wai saying it would serve as a first step towards broader reforms. Meanwhile, DAP vice-president Teresa Kok expressed the importance of amending the Federal Capital Act 1960 to enable Kuala Lumpur to have council members. All PBTs across the country are under the Local Government Act 1976, but in Kuala Lumpur, because this is the capital city, there are no council members. So, it is very important for this MADANI government to amend the Federal Capital Act so that Kuala Lumpur will be the same as all PBT across the country, where there are council members, she said. On concerns surrounding the Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill, Loke, who is also Transport Minister, said he had asked Bangi Member of Parliament, Syahredzan Johan to scrutinise the bill and brief the partys lawmakers on it. This followed a statement by the Minister in the Prime Ministers Department (Religious Affairs), Datuk Dr Mohd Naim Mokhtar yesterday calling all parties not to create doubts among the Muslim and non-Muslim communities that could lead to misinterpretations of the Mufti Bill (Federal Territories) 2024.

PM Anwar: Religious affairs minister to clarify matters on Federal .. - Malaymail - 13/10 5:27 pm

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 13 Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has emphasised that any issues regarding the Mufti Bill (...

Isu berbangkit berhubung RUU Mufti dijawab Mohd Na'im - PM Anwar - Astroawani - 13/10 5:01 pm

Perdana Menteri menegaskan sebarang isu berbangkit berhubung RUU Mufti hanya akan dijawab oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Hal Ehwal Agama).

Fatwas under Federal Territories Mufti Bill only binding on Muslims - Mohd Naim - SUN - 12/10 10:18 pm

KUALA LUMPUR : The Minister in the Prime Ministers Department (Religious Affairs), Datuk Dr Mohd Naim Mokhtar, has clarified that the fatwas (edicts) enacted under Mufti Bill (Federal Territories) 2024 are binding only on Muslims and limited to the jurisdiction of the states

limited to the jurisdiction of the states in accordance with item 1 of the Second List State List in the Ninth Schedule of the Federal Constitution. Before a fatwa can be binding, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong has to grant consent to it with the advice of the Islamic Religious Council. Additionally, the fatwa cannot conflict with any written laws, he said in a statement posted on his Facebook page today. He said the Mufti Bill is to make provisions in matters related to the Mufti, rulings, and doctrines according to Islamic laws and related matters in the Federal Territories only. The Bill comprises nine sections including the introductory section, Mufti and Deputy Mufti, Fatwa Committee, the issuance of fatwas, determination of the qibla, Falak Syarie (Syariah Astronomy) committee, Rukyah Hilal (sighting of the new moon) Committee, Islamic Teachings Oversight Committee, aqidah (faith) discussions and various other matters, he said. He said the Mufti Bill was part of the governments efforts to elevate the legal and judicial system for Muslims in Malaysia and ensure their rights to justice. The separation of powers between the Islamic Religious Department, the Mufti, and Syariah Courts will be more clearly defined under the Mufti Bill. The administration of justice under Syariah Courts and the Islamic laws under the jurisdiction of the Mufti will be under separate acts, he added. Mohd Naim stressed that individual rights to freedom are guaranteed under the Federal Constitution, although not absolute, as it is limited by specific provisions such as Articles 8(5)(a), 10, and 11(5). For example, the right to freedom of religion under Article 11 of the Constitution is about living with faith, not living without it. The right to freedom of religion for Muslims means the freedom to practice the true teachings of their faith as determined by the ulil amri, or religious leaders. The determination of the true teachings of Islam must be based on Syariah law. The Mufti of the Federal Territories is solely responsible for addressing questions of Syariah law governing Muslims in Kuala Lumpur, Labuan, and Putrajaya, he said. Mohd Naim said that the drafting of regulatory laws is a characteristic of a sovereign nation where no individual is free to violate constitutional principles. He said that restrictions on a persons freedom do not mean that human rights are violated, as the legitimacy of human rights is determined by the Federal Constitution, such as the fatwas on the practice of Islamic teachings that are suitable for local conditions, as well as prohibitions against following doctrines, beliefs, and understandings that are deviant and stray from the actual teachings of Islam. Therefore, he urged all parties not to create doubts among the Muslim and non-Muslim communities that could lead to misinterpretations of the Mufti Bill, as this would hinder the governments efforts to strengthen the administration of Islam in the country. We should respect the fatwas issued by the Mufti, as the Mufti is the authoritative body responsible for providing advice on Syariah law, as stipulated under Section 33 of the Administration of Islamic Law (Federal Territories) Act 1993 (Act 505) (Clause 4 of the Mufti Bill). Yesterday, Mohd Naim confirmed that the Mufti Bill will be tabled for a second and third reading in the Parliament session, which begins on Oct 14.

Mufti bill ensures more structured mufti powers - Fahmi - SUN - 12/10 8:51 pm

KUALA LUMPUR : The Mufti Bill (Federal Territories) 2024 to be tabled for second and third reading in the upcoming Parliament session will not expand the powers of the mufti, says Minister of Communications Fahmi Fadzil

mufti has greater clarity in terms of the constitution and the laws of the country. I have also been informed by the Minister in the Prime Ministers Department (Religious Affairs), Datuk Dr Mohd Naim Mokhtar, that almost all the articles and clauses contained in this bill are nearly identical to the Sabah Fatwa Enactment passed in 2004 concerning the Sabah Mufti. This means that Sabah has had the same kind of law for over 20 years. There has been no change in terms of practices or freedom of religion for non-Muslims. We still see festivals like Pesta Kaamatan being celebrated as usual, he said after attending the Lembah Pantai Health Programme with IMU Cares here today. Mohd Naim Mokhtar previously said that the bill would be tabled for its second and third readings during the Parliamentary session starting on Monday (Octr 14). The Mufti Bill (Federal Territories) 2024 aims at, among other things, to provide a definition for Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah, with its theology based on the Al-Asyairah and Al-Maturidiah teachings. Yesterday, 14 groups based in Sarawak and Sabah claimed that the bill would turn Malaysia into an Islamic state overnight. They also claimed that the bill violated the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) and represented a direct attack on the secular system in the country. In response, Fahmi urged those making negative remarks about the bill to review the history of similar laws in Sabah. For those making such accusations, I recommend revisiting the history of Sabah, which enacted this law 20 years ago, and there has been no negative impact. Therefore, do not view this matter with suspicion, and it is important to understand the law. We want Islam, for Muslims, not only to be respected but to ensure that, legally, everything is well-ordered, he said.

Jangan timbulkan keraguan kerana salah tafsir RUU Mufti, kata menteri - FMT - 12/10 6:19 pm

Menteri Mohd Na'im Mokhtar berkata RUU Mufti digubal bagi perkara berhubungan dengan mufti, penentuan perkara mengenai hukum dan doktrin syarak serta perkara yang berkaitan di wilayah persekutuan sahaja.

Dewan Rakyat to convene Oct 14 with Budget 2025 as main focus - SUN - 12/10 1:28 pm

KUALA LUMPUR: The tabling of the Budget 2025 by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on October 18 will take centre stage at the Third Meeting of the Third Session of the 15th Parliament, which will convene for 35 days starting this Monday (Oct 14) and continuing until Dec 12

paving the way for the upcoming 13th Malaysia Plan (13MP) over the next five years. According to the Dewan Rakyat calendar, the tabling of the Supply Bill 2025 is scheduled for 4 pm on Oct 18. The bill will be debated at the policy level from Oct 28 to Nov 5, followed by responses from ministers over the course of four days. The session will proceed with the committee-level debate on the bill, from Nov 13 to Dec 3, before it is approved by the Dewan Rakyat. Anwar, who is also the Minister of Finance, has previously stated that the 2025 Budget will introduce more economic structural reforms aimed at ensuring that the benefits of faster economic growth are shared by as many people as possible. Additionally, a ministerial briefing session regarding the issue of GISB Holdings Sdn Bhd (GISBH) is scheduled for Tuesday, the second day of the parliamentary sitting. Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail reportedly said that the purpose of the briefing is to create an opportunity for Members of Parliament (MPs) to engage in debate, as well as to serve as a platform for the public to access authentic information and updates on the matter. Meanwhile, several bills are set to be tabled for their first reading, including the Water Services Industry (Amendment) Bill 2024 and the Commercial Vehicles Licensing Board (Amendment) Bill 2024. Other bills include the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2024, which aims to lower the age limit for applying for citizenship by registration from 21 to 18 years, as well as the Prevention and Control of Infectious Disease (Amendment) Bill 2024. Additionally, the Administration of Islamic Law (Federal Territories) (Amendment) Bill 2024; the Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill 2024, and the Syariah Court Civil Procedure (Federal Territories) (Amendment) Bill 2024 will also be tabled for the first reading. Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Dr Johari Abdul, when contacted by Bernama, expressed his hope for a smooth session that encourages active participation from MPs in critical discussions regarding Budget 2025 and pressing issues affecting the people. He emphasised that the Dewan Rakyat session should be fully leveraged by MPs as a platform for meaningful dialogue and problem-solving, while also upholding high standards of ethics and discipline as peoples representatives. I urge all MPs to break free from their political cocoons. This is the time to work diligently, share their perspectives, and commit to collaborative efforts in advancing the country, he said. Meanwhile, the Dewan Negara is scheduled to convene from Dec 2 to 19.

Mufti Bill 2024 to be tabled for second, third readings in parliament - Mohd Naim - SUN - 11/10 2:18 pm

PUTRAJAYA : Minister in the Prime Ministers Department (Religious Affairs), Datuk Dr Mohd Naim Mokhtar confirmed that the Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill 2024 will be tabled for a second and third reading in this Parliament session which will begin on Oct 14

Insan Al-Falah programme by the Malaysian Consultative Council for Islamic Organisation (Mapim), here today. Previously, the first reading of the Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill 2024 was conducted in July. This bill is one of three bills concerning Islamic affairs that are being presented for amendment. In addition, the bill seeks to establish the definition of Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah in accordance with the Al-Asyairah and Al-Maturidiah theological schools. Meanwhile, Mohd Naim said the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Bill 355) will not be presented in this parliamentary session. Earlier, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim emphasised that any amendments to Bill 355 must be approached carefully, taking into account the views of all stakeholders. This bill aims to expand the powers and authority of the Syariah Courts, which currently allows for penalties including a maximum fine of RM5,000, imprisonment for up to three years, or six strokes of caning, while excluding the death penalty.

Bacaan kali kedua, ketiga RUU Mufti dibentang pada sidang Parlimen - Mohd Na'im - Astroawani - 11/10 12:26 am

Kabinet bersetuju agar RUU Mufti ini dibentangkan untuk bacaan kedua dan ketiga dalam sidang Parlimen kali ini.

Bacaan kedua, ketiga RUU mufti dibentang di Parlimen - FMT - 11/10 12:00 am

Sebelum ini dilaporkan bacaan pertama RUU Mufti (Wilayah Persekutuan) 2024 dilakukan pada Julai lalu.

New mufti bill unconstitutional, undermines Agong and harms Muslims through government control, says Latheefa - Mnow - 10/10 12:30 am

The rights lawyer and former MACC chief urged MPs to overwhelmingly reject the Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill

Dakwaan RUU Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan autoritarianisme tidak berasas – IKIM - Mgazette - 9/10 6:53 pm

Jika Parlimen meluluskan RUU Mufti Wilayah, Parlimen tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk mengarahkan setiap negeri-negeri bagi mengikuti RUU ini kerana Islam ialah urusan negeri dan hal berkaitan Islam berada di bawah ruang lingkup kuasa dan bidang kuasa negeri di bawah naungan Raja-Raja bagi negeri-negeri

RUU Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan: Langkah maju untuk keharmonian umat - FMT - 9/10 4:15 pm

Tuduhan RUU Mufti Wilayah adalah autoritarianisme adalah satu tuduhan yang tidak berasas.

Bacaan RUU Mufti kali kedua, ketiga diteruskan pertengahan Oktober - Mohd Na'im - Astroawani - 28/09 10:21 pm

Kerajaan merancang meneruskan pembentangan Rang Undang-Undang (RUU) Mufti (Wilayah Persekutuan) 2024 untuk bacaan kali kedua dan ketiga pada 16 atau 17 Okt ini.

Kerajaan rancang bacaan RUU Mufti diterus pertengahan Oktober - FMT - 28/09 8:45 pm

Status RUU Mufti (Wilayah Persekutuan) 2024 belum ada apa-apa perubahan.

Mufti Kelantan belum putuskan fatwa tentang ajaran GISB - Astroawani - 26/09 6:45 pm

Jabatan Mufti Negeri Kelantan masih mengumpul bukti yang boleh mengaitkan GISB sebagai kumpulan ajaran sesat sebelum memutuskan sebarang fatwa tentangnya.

Kelantan mufti: No new fatwa needed on GISBH unless fresh evidence emerges - Malaymail - 21/09 6:19 pm

KOTA BARU, Sept 21 The Kelantan Mufti, Datuk Mohamad Shukri Mohamad, stated that there is no need to issue a new fatwa...

Proposed Bill on gig workers to be tabled in Budget 2025, says HR minister - Malaymail - 20/09 9:16 am

KUCHING, Sept 20 The Gig Worker Bill will be tabled in the Budget 2025 to ensure fair and inclusive legislation for th...

Sarawak Mufti Datu Kipli Yassin is recipient of national-level Perdana .. - Malaymail - 16/09 3:05 pm

PUTRAJAYA, Sept 16 Sarawak Mufti Datu Kipli Yassin was today named the recipient of the national-level 1146H/2024 Anug...

Mufti Sarawak terima Anugerah Perdana Maulidur Rasul 2024 - Astroawani - 16/09 2:18 pm

Mufti Sarawak Datu Kipli Yassin hari ini dinobatkan sebagai penerima Anugerah Perdana Maulidur Rasul 2024.

Reformasi     >>

FT Mufti Bill not drafted in haste, no influence from .. - Mkini
A committee to study, draft specific Act for the mufti was set up three years ago.
Kroni     >>

Belanjawan 2025: Tumpu sektor semikonduktor, .. - Utusan
PETALING JAYA: Kerajaan disaran memberikan tumpuan utama terhadap dua sektor strategik iaitu semikonduktor dan digitalisasi dalam Belanjawan 2025 yang bakal dibentangkan 18 Oktober ini. Pensyarah Kanan Ekonomi Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Dr. Bashir Ahmad Shabir Ahmad berkata, kedua-dua sektor ..
Tabloid     >>

Selepas 18 Tahun Bersama, Fazley Yaakob Sah Bercerai - Lobakmerah
Tiada angin, tiada ribut, penyanyi serta cef selebriti terkenal Datuk Fazley Yaakob mengesahkan sudah bercerai dengan isterinya, Azrene Soraya Abdul Aziz. Dalam laporan Kosmo!, Fazley berkata keputusan tersebut dilakukan atas persetujuan bersama selepas 18 tahun bergelar suami isteri. Artikel ..
Tech     >>

Slow charging is holding us back: A call to Apple, .. - Phonearena
We just tested another phone that charges from 0% to 100% in twenty-some minutes. Why are the two biggest names on the phone market slacking?
World     >>

UN condemns 'large number of civilian casualties' in .. - BBC
It comes after 10 people were killed by an Israeli strike while waiting at a food distribution centre.
Motor Trend     >>

Buletin Honda Bigwing Damansara Dirasmikan – .. - Mekanika
# HONDA BIGWING DAMANSARA DIRASMIKAN - TUMPUAN BAHARU DI LEMBAH KLANG **Boon Siew Honda (BSH) telah merasmikan pembukaan Honda BigWing Damansara terbaru yang merupakan pengedar motosikal Honda berkuasa tinggi yang eksklusif.** Menurut BSH dalam satu kenyataan, Honda BigWing Damansara merupakan ..