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Headlines : Sakmongkol News | Page 1 |
3/03 9:00 am | Seeing the forest from the trees. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 61 1. When I was studying at UM in the late 70s, when naughty boys see girls wearing provocative attires, they would term the girls as'c*ck teasers'. 2. Girls and ladies in general are still c*ck teasers. But the latest c*ck teaser on the block is SPRM. 3. It teases us provocatively about the money looted and plundered by Ismail sabris gang of robbers. 3(b). First, it was reported that 50m was found |
2/03 9:00 am | The Pahang Bermunajat - anticlimax for most. Tales by an unknown blogger. .. 1. I didn't want to write about the pahang bermunajat dan raja berdaulat thing. Until some people insisted that the addendum was hidden by someone. 2. The sultan mentioned that the issue of the addendum is under the jurisdiction of the responsible parties-the courts and government. 3. The addendum, if it exists, is subjected to the process of the law. 4. Let's not read what the sultan mentioned , |
28/02 9:00 am | Thus spoke cip nazri Aziz. Tales by an unknown blogger. No. 59 1. When nazri Aziz, says he's living in fear as who will succeed anvar ebraheem as PM, many scoffed and pooh poohed his opinion. 2. We can only infer what he means by what he said and not try to second guess what his heart actually said. Here is my take. 3. Of course, physically Anvar Ebraheem is not indispensable. I am sure that is not an intelligent rottweiler like nazri meant. 4. Any Malay Tom |
27/02 9:00 am | Elementary pak tani maths. Tales by an unknown blogger no. 58 1. Padi farmers know some maths. Maybe they don't know of the sophisticated maths. Their maths, denominated in money terms they sure know. 2. Let's call this Pak tani maths. Mat sabu should learn this maths. When he announced the new floor price at 1500, it's clear he's deficient in pak tani maths. His officers advising him are not clever either 3. The Pak Tani 1 ton is 800kg not 1000kg. That's |
26/02 9:00 am | The claim of defending people is actually a ruse to control them. Tales by .. 1. It was reported that the political secretary of the 9th PM was found with 150m. Found by sprm . It was also reported that sprm obtained a remand order to detain 4 officers of the 9th PM. 2. But you can be sure that right wing Malay groups and UMNO surrogates and 5th columnists , will pooh poohed the report. Malays have special rights. That include the rights to steal. The rights to be pardoned |
24/02 9:00 am | The case of disappearing local rice. The sorokers and the hoarders. Tales .. 1. Allow me to speak on 2 issues regarding our rice problem. one is so obvious, but I made the error of not discussing it early on. The 2nd, I have touched briefly and now I wish to amplify a bit. 2. The first reason,the obvious reason why local rice disappeared, is because the rice is hidden, sorok and stockpiled. Monied people must have sorok it. 3. Sorok is now the dirty 5 letter word, |
22/02 9:00 am | Lahuma, Jeha and the rice saga. Tales by an unknown blogger no 55 1. Mat Sabu said stiff punishment awaits farmers who repack local rice as imported rice. As though they care 2 hoots about what he said . They just want extra money and will likely do it. Desperate times require desperate measures. Confound what Mat Sabu, the minister with the cat fish lips says. 2. Instead of announcing of measures to solve the main problem-the disappearance of local rice, the |
20/02 9:00 am | The game some people play. Tales by an unknown blogger. No. 54. 1. The mp from maran is pissed off. He feels his self esteem is besmirched. That's because a letter from the sultan of pahang' referring to an alleged addendum, was ignored. He comes from pahang. He feels slighted . 2. Others, upon hearing this did the proverbial pouring fuel over fire . Didn't this mean that the action of the sultan is like pleading the courts, to accept his letter as definitive |
18/02 9:00 am | Understanding the beras Imbroglio. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 53. 1. Fuyooh, the PM has announced that Syed mokhtar has agreed to give 30m to padi farmers. The right wing groups and other Malay supremacists are quick to point to the benevolence of a Malay potentate. Hurrah! 2. Forgive my sarcasm and cynicism. I really salute and appreciate the 30m. Given. It's damn a lot of money. To a person like me, to get 100 ringgit is already difficult. 3. What we probably |
16/02 9:00 am | What a tangled web we weave..if we first practise to deceive. Part 1. .. 1. One of the memorable quotes by Franz fanon which I remember is o man, make me always a man who questions. Something like that . 2. Only I forgot whether it was said in ' the wretched of the Earth' or ' black faces, white mask' . It does not matter . 3. Asking questions, thinking critically and independently is our first line of defense preventing us from being sucked into the vortex of |
13/02 9:00 am | A gentle reminder butban acerbic wake up call. Tales by an unknown blogger .. 1. Like the first few passages of the American declaration of independence, I too hold these truths to be self evident :- 2. * Never break the faith of people in you. People see Anwar Ibrahim as a change agent. He must live up the expectations 3. * Promises made must eventually be fulfilled. Never set a time limit you cannot keep . 4. * Whosoever rules Malaysia, must have that iron in him. He |
11/02 9:00 am | The Beras Imbroglio. Tales by an unknown blogger no 50 1. When it was reported that a big kilang padi in Perlis will close down, I thought this will be cannon fodder. 2. The kilang padi is Malay owned. While they become poorer, the cartels and the towkays get richer. As they become like that the government doesn't care about their lot. Pity the Malay farmers .3. The racial connotations and imputation are unmistakable. Malays get poorer, the Chinese |
9/02 9:00 am | An imbecilic PC. Tales by an unknown blogger. No. 4 1. When I heard Taqiyuddin giving a press conference as to what the AGC wants to appeal some more, it confirms 1 thing to me. 2. The AGC wants to appeal to the federal court on the appeal courts decision to allow Najib addendum Razak appeal for a judicial review. 3. A long time ago, a lawyer friend told me lawyers and judges, are like eggs. They fall into grades A B and C. C being the worse. 4. |
8/02 9:00 am | The beras issue - revisited. Tales by an unknown blogger no. 48. 1. Like many others, I was watching the furious debate rice .in parliament, not in front of padi farmers. 2. People focus on the cost of production. The imposition cited the rising cost of production as a cause for the disappearance of local rice. The government responded on measures to manage the rising costs. 3. Perhaps a variant of the Laffer curve is in operation here. Padi farmers just |
6/02 9:00 am | Noble intentions, bad economics. Part 2 of 2. Tales by an unknown blogger .. 31. What's going on with the Gaza proposal and the PM's rambling responses are like the many MADANI advertisements that appear on TV - we don't understand most of them. 32. What is most important is to appear as doing something. Even if for dramatic effects. So long as at end of the advertisements ada MADANI, mada, Dani etc. 33. Similarly, it's most important to appear religious. Talk about |
5/02 9:00 am | It's a question of economics, not morality or religion. Part 1. Tales by .. 1. I thought long about writing this article. It might be misconstrued of not supporting Anwar. That's not it. I support him as PM. But that cannot mean I agree with all his decisions . 2. His out of line response to Rafidah Aziz's criticisms about helping Gaza is a point of contention. 3. Difference in opinions of others ought not to as an excuse to run others down .4. The pm may have a high |
2/02 9:00 am | To kill a hummingbird. The attempted destruction of Hannah Yeoh. Tales by .. 1. Some clarifications are in order to explain the above title. 2. Why hummingbird you may ask. It's certainly not Harper Lee's to kill a mockingbird. 3. It's a sin to kill a hummingbird. The bird is industrious. It's a joy to watch it flapping it's wings a million times. It helps polynization . The bird is a symbol of innocence and industry 4. Hannah Yeoh is the symbol of innocence and industry. |
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