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Headlines : Outsyed News | Page 1 |
14/01 7:30 am | Chinese Freight Train News : Mercedes Benz Gets Slammed A few days ago the Chinese released a video showing a new Niobium based alloy. Firstly the new alloy was possibly made a few years ago. The Chinese usually release information AFTER the thing is already in the production phase. Making something in the lab (R) is very different from manufacturing it in the factory. The US and the West are good at 'lab fab' but often they cannot bring it to the factory floor because it is not commercially viable. The costs are too high. This is where the .. Chinese excel. They move from the lab to factory production quite seamlessly. Anyway the new Chinese Niobium alloy has a melting point in excess of 3000 degrees Celsius. It is alloyed with high strength steels. This means hypersonic jet engines can be mass produced. We will be hearing more about that. Here is a must watch video about what is happening to Mercedes Benz in Germany and worldwide. Mercedes is losing serious market share everywhere to Chinese EVs. Do watch. Can you imagine the impact on Germany and Europe if this trend continues? Come February 23rd (German elections) there may be huge upsets. The AfD (Alternative for Germany) may pull a surprise. |
13/01 12:17 am | GOVT POLICY IMPEDING SMEs, DAMAGING ECONOMIC GROWTH The following article by Ravindran Raman Kutty appeared in Free Malaysia Today. From Ravindran Raman Kutty I recently met a young entrepreneur in the bustling world of logistics, where time is money and competition is fierce; the challenges he undergoes highlight the growing difficulty for those in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). He said 2023 was one of the toughest years in his decade-long business journey. His words, full of frustration and a sense of being overlooked, highlighted the .. struggle SMEs like his face in an increasingly unfriendly economic environment. Putrajayas recent policies have added new layers of complexity and financial pressure . Many small business owners feel caught in a system that favours the large and wealthy, leaving the little players behind. One of the first issues the young businessman raised was the cost of diesel. As a logistics company owner, his fleet relies heavily on fuel. I used to pay RM2.05 per litre for diesel. Now, its RM3.03 as I dont qualify for subsidies, he said. It turns out that only those with certain types of 44 vehicles such as those used by plantation owners are eligible for the diesel subsidy. Its frustrating. The big players in the industry still get diesel at RM2.05 per litre through fleet cards, while Im paying nearly a ringgit more, he said. His plea for a review fell on deaf ears, despite presenting evidence such as company registration documents and tax returns, The message was clear: it was a Cabinet decision, and the officials couldnt do anything. It is just one example of how the governments approach to economics is making it harder for SMEs to survive, let alone thrive. The introduction of mandatory e-invoicing for businesses (January for large corporations and June for SMEs) requires the purchase of expensive software for compliance ; it is a heavy burden on SMEs already struggling with high operational costs. Its just another expense I have to absorb. The government should be making it easier for us, not harder. Earlier, it was GST, now its this, what will be next, I wonder? I am not against such rules, but how can I or players like me pay for such expensive systems and infrastructure?, he said. The most recent government move, to increase the minimum wage to RM1,700 per month, may seem like a win for employees but is another strain on businesses that already operate on thin margins. To make matters worse, this is accompanied by higher contributions to EPF , further stretching finances for small business owners. He expressed a deeper concern about the direction the government seems to be taking. All theyre doing is increasing taxes and levies to get more money without understanding the real pressures we face. Again, the minimum wage is necessary and important, but there must be a criterion, like ones annual turnover and an extended period of time for compliance for startups like mine, he added. The frustrations didnt end there. He said he saw little benefit from the government offering tax incentives to foreign investors in places like Johors Forest City and the newly designated special economic zone in Gelang Patah. He said these initiatives attract many companies from China, which dont bring much spillover effect for local businesses, because their suppliers and vendors are based in China, unlike Japanese, European and US firms. We just want a level playing field. The government should stop burdening us with higher costs. If they cant help us, at least dont make things harder. SMEs across the country are struggling under the weight of these new policies, with little in relief or meaningful support coming from the government. As he shared his story, it became evident that the governments economic policies do not match the needs of SMEs, which form the backbone of Malaysias economy. The struggles of this young entrepreneur serve as a reminder to the government that if we want to build a prosperous, inclusive economy, we must rethink our policies and start supporting the people who need it most those in the SMEs. Ravindran Raman Kutty is an FMT reader. My Comments : I have been pointing this out in this Blog for years. When they introduced the GST in 2014 they killed off thousands of businesses. Long time SMEs just shut down and the businessmen stayed at home. They were afraid of being sent to jail (which they were threatened) if they were in breach of the GST regulations. For the common man, every breach is jail and fines. For the common man. When they consolidated the banking sector in early 2000s they impoverished many SMEs. Many SMEs do not "qualify" for loans from banks which are strictly regulated. Many SMEs may not have proper records, documentation etc. They are run purely by seat-of-the-pants entrepreneurs. These are the types that can push the economy forward. When the huge and diverse financial system was consolidated (as part of the ketuanan Melayu policy) there were few options for the SMEs to borrow money. Hence we saw the rise of the Ah Longs - until today. At 18% or 25% annual interest the SMEs are often bled dry. They cannot expand their businesses if they pay 18% or 25% on Ah Long financing. The Minimum Wage policy is also killing off new employment and new startups. In just over two weeks the Minimum Wage will go up to RM1,700 per month. Already many businesses have had to fire their workers and maintain a minimum work force. The situation in Pulau Langkawi is especially serious. Without sufficient workers starting a new business will be very difficult. SMEs will die a quicker death, unemployment is going to increase. The private medical health care act was drafted by a GLC who is the largest player in the private medical health care industry. They drafted regulations suitable for large hospitals but which are not suitable for smaller medical clinics, small hospitals and small medical centers. For example if a maternity clinic is located in a two storey shoplot they still must have a lift with minimum 24 person capacity etc. These expensive regulations make it very high cost for an ordinary maternity home (with say one doctor and a few nurses) to survive. Another regulation is when a maternity clinic (in a shop house) applied to increase the number of beds, the regulations say they must first hire one staff nurse and four other nurses before their application is approved (which may take six months!!). Or the application could be rejected. So who pays the salary of one staff nurse (RM3,500 - RM5,000) plus four more nurses while waiting for the approval or rejection? The maternity home in question shut down after almost 20 years in operation. All the staff lost their jobs. The latest nightmare is the e-invoicing crap. This reminds of the ISO crap. Do you all recall the ISO crap. The gomen (Dr Mahathir at that time) began pushing the ISO crap. Pretty soon every other gomen department was declaring 'we are ISO compliant'. (Now it has changed to 'shariah compliant' - more crap). The ISO achieved nothing. It was just a useless and time wasting extra layers of record keeping. And after Dr Mahathir retired in 2003 has anyone heard about ISO? Those of you below 35 years of age may not even understand what I am talking about. No one cares about ISO now. But at that time it caused so much chaos and added to the cost of doing business. There is another angle to this. The SME industry is heavily non-Malay. Whereas the GLC run businesses are still part of the old ketuanan Melayu crap. The GLCs are not genuine businesses. They operate within their own cocoon minus any relationship to economic principles, standard business practises, level playing fields etc. Plus they are funded by public funds - they do not even need banks. Or Ah Long. But here is the catch - they do not produce new wealth. Even when they plant oil palms or build houses they do it with tongkats and subsidies, direct or indirect. They have an unfair advantage. Meaning on a level playing field they may not be able to plant oil palms or build their houses. Meaning they can only plant oil palms and build houses on an uneven playing field. Meaning to produce something they need inputs that are not theirs. inputs which they did not generate on their own. Meaning their oil palms and the houses they build have an implied higher opportunity cost which has to be absorbed by the rest of the country. They are not efficient. When they are not efficient they cannot create new wealth. Hence the need for monopolies, oligopolies, licenses, permits, APs, quotas and all the associated rubbish. Here is the latest example - Singapore is cutting their electricity tariffs. Here in Malaysia the gomen licensed monopoly GLC will be raising the electricity tariff. They operate inside their own "ketuanan" cocoon. Unemployment will increase. Human capital development will just not happen. We are doomed. |
11/01 7:30 pm | Bapak Curi Berdiri, Anak Curi Berlari. Cerita penuh di PermaduMalaysia (Sila klik di sini). Dr Mahathir Mohamad mendedahkan perbualan yang didakwanya pernah berlaku antara a---nya dan a--k A-----ah A---d B----i, yang menyebut a--k perdana menteri ke---- negara itu dikatakan menyatakan niat untuk menggunakan kedudukan b---nya bagi mengaut kekayaan. Tanpa menyebut sebarang nama secara khusus, bekas perdana menteri itu mengaku dia terkejut dengan pendedahan tersebut. Mereka (pengganti saya) percaya bahawa semasa saya menjadi perdana .. menteri, saya menyalahgunakan kuasa dan korup. A--k A-----ah beritahu a--k saya, Giliran awak sebelum ini, sekarang giliran kami. Giliran untuk apa? Untuk mencuri wang. Saya terkejut, katanya. My Comments : Saya ada soalan sikit saja. Tuan-Tuan perasan tak tidak ada anak Menteri yang masuk golongan B40. Atau M40. Mereka semua terus masuk golongan T20 (the Top 20% yang kaya). Bagi saya inilah rahsia besar kejayaan Dasar Ekonomi Baru yang sangat terpendam, yang tidak diceritakan dengan sepenuhnya kepada masyarakat kita dan juga kepada seluruh dunia. This is the hidden truth of the New Economic Policy. Apabila bapak dia menjadi Menteri saja, anak Menteri akan terus menjadi kaya. Jadi the solution is simple Tuan-Tuan. Untuk membangunkan ekonomi orang Melayu, setiap orang Melayu harus dilantik menjadi Menteri untuk satu tempoh yang singkat. Untuk tempoh yang berapa lama? Untuk tempoh sampai kontrak sudah sign dan duit sudah dibayar. Tak payah tunggu projek siap pun. Macam kontrak beli enam biji kapal peronda pesisir pantai itu. Kapal tenggelam sebelum kapal siap. Tapi duit sudah bayar - RM6 billion ke apa. Projek tak siap pun. As long as kontrak sudah sign, duit sudah bayar sudah cukup. Tak payah tunggu projek siap pun. Lepas itu tukar sajalah Menteri - ganti dengan Menteri baru. Famili Menteri baru pula boleh berpeluang jadi kaya. Kalau anak Perdana Menteri pula, mereka akan terus menjadi ahli kaum T20 atau lebih tinggi. (Tuan-Tuan dulu ada 'gang' anak seorang ex-PM yang mahu belanja saya pergi tengok bola World Cup di Brazil. Saya tak pergi - no thank you. Di Brazil tu ada Sungai Amazon. Dalam sungai itu ada ikan piranha. Kalaulah saya terjatuh ke dalam sungai boleh terjadi tajuk berita ' Blogger OutSyed The Box eaten by piranhas '. Later I found out 'yacht' yang famous itu (kes Wan Em Dibi) pun berlabuh di Rio De Janeiro pada masa yang sama. Nauzubillah). Balik kepada topik, anak-anak ex-PM bukan saja jadi ahli Top 20 tetapi lebih elit dari itu mereka jadi Kumpulan Elit Top 1% yang terkaya dalam negara kita. Sudah lepasi jutawan dan menjadi billionaire atau menghampiri billionaire. Antara rahsia anak-anak ex-PM ialah apabila mereka menghampiri apa jenis pintu pun (pintu bank, pintu Bursa, pintu GLC, pintu jabatan kerajaan, pintu Mahkamah Criminal) maka pintu itu akan terbuka dengan sendiri. Jika ada sekuriti guard penjaga pintu, sekuriti guard itu akan rebah sujud mencium duli yang mulia. Itulah kelebihan anak-anak ex-PM dulu. Jangan main. Balik kepada topik kita - pernah tak Tuan-Tuan jumpa anak-anak ex-PM yang masuk B40? Atau M40? Atau T20? Tak ada pun. Mereka lebih selesa di kalangan Top 1%. |
10/01 3:00 pm | Alif Mim Nun Wau Sarkis The following is by an unknown author. This guy has turned the country into a circus, where the constitution is the doormat, and the judiciary is his personal playground. Seriously, has anyone in our history ever been given such VIP prisoner perks? Lets recap this special treatment package: 1. Strolling into court in a suit and tie, no handcuffs, chauffeured in a fancy car bought just for him, while lounging in his own VIP cell. Did we miss the part where hes supposed to be a convict? 2. .. Facebook access from prison? Whats next? Netflix and TikTok ? 3. Publicly trashing judges and the legal system while his case is ongoing and his lawyer holding press conferences like its a movie premiere. No consequences, of course! 4. His case magically jumping to pardon ahead of others. VIP Express Lane, anyone? 5. Judges postponing his trial because he didnt get enough sleep. Really? The rest of us lose sleep worrying about the countrys debt he caused. 6. Reducing his sentence and fines, and if that wasnt enough, theres a mysterious @ddend@m which nobody discussed and isnt even legal. Creative writing ? 7. And lets not forget he stole billions, burdening generations with debt, yet hes hailed as a hero by political parties from the poorest states, and thousands pray for him like hes a saint. The irony is enough to build a high speed rail line. Honestly, this guy has turned the country into a global laughing stock. The world sees the country as a place where crime pays especially if you steal big. And why? Because even Backdoor seems to tiptoe around him, staying silent like hes walking on eggshells. |
6/01 5:16 pm | Afghanistan Pakistan War Here is Amit Sengupta with some reporting and analysis on the situation between Afghanistan and Pakistan. I believe the biggest factor is indeed money for the Pakistani generals and senior officers. Beginning 1979 when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, that country has been a huge source of income for the Pakistani generals. Afghanistan is landlocked and the nearest functioning port is Karachi. The US channelled billions of dollars to the Afghan mujaheddin who were fighting the Soviets .. during their occupation of Afghanistan (1979 to 1989). Money for training and arming the mujaheddin all flowed through the Pakistani generals - and they took a big cut for their services. From 1989 till now (?) Afghanistan became the world's largest supplier of opium and heroine. That is a huge industry that requires chemicals for processing, farm equipment and most importantly Toyota Land Cruisers to provide logistics for the drug trade. The world's largest Toyota Land Cruiser dealership was at Peshawar in Pakistan. And also the diesel needed for the trucks. So they had people known as 'Maulana Diesel' who 'monopolised' running diesel from Peshawar into Afghanistan. 'Running diesel' also meant shooting business rivals. Monopoly to the extreme. The Pakistani generals had a big hand in all this money. Then came 9-11. Then the US invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and stayed there for 20 years. This was a 20 year Christmas party for the Pakistani generals. Over 20 years the amount of money, weapons, soldiers, food for the US Army etc etc bla bla ran into the hundreds of billions of US Dollars. Karachi port was the main point of entry. And from Karachi thousands of trucks (usually run by the Pakistani generals) transported all the war goods overland into Afghanistan. The Pakistani Army providing security all the way. An American who ventured into Afghanistan and opened a bar to serve beer to the US soldiers became almost a billionaire by venturing into supplying all sorts of other needs of the US occupying forces. The money flowed like water. The Pakistani generals also got super rich. Well all good things must come to an end. The Taliban took Kabul on 15th August, 2021. The US Army money dried up for the Pakistani generals. Plus Afghanistan is now friendly with Russia and China. There is plenty of cross border trade with Russia and China (through Tajikistan) which bypasses the Pakistani Army's clutches. The generals cannot collect tolls. Hence one of the rumours floating around last week was that the Pakistani Army wanted to invade and grab Afghanistan's 'Wakhan Corridor'. This is a narrow strip of 'turkey's neck' that connects Afghanistan to China (SHADED BROWN IN THE MAP). The area is super rugged and is mainly traversed on horseback and donkeys. But it is not impossible for the Chinese to build a super highway or a rail line into Afghanistan - who knows in about a month or two? All this means that the Pakistani generals will lose even more clout in Afghanistan. Clout is the currency used by the Pak generals. 1 Clout = US$2.00. But this time the Pakistani generals are going to lose their heads and they are going to lose a quarter of their country. As Amit Sengupta says the Pakistani officer corps seeks money, business careers and retirement options. They are not into serious fighting. Fight for what? On the other side, for the first time since 1973 the Pushtun tribe is fully in charge in Afghanistan. And they have 43 million Pushtun cousins exactly on the border in Pakistan who want to live together with their cousins in Afghanistan. Plus the Pakistani Army is dominated by the Punjabis who make up about 45-50% of Pakistan's 230 million people. The Pushtuns make up almost 50 million people or just over 20% of the population. The problem for the Pak Army is this map above. The green is the Pushtun areas inside Pakistan. About 20% of the country's land area. The problem is the major part of the Pak Army does not speak Pashto. If there is full blown war the Afghan Taliban will be entering Pushtun territory inside Pakistan that shares the same mother tongue and identifies with them. The Punjabi dominated army will be entering an area that does not speak their language and which will be hostile to them (and friendly with the enemy). I foresee plenty massacres up ahead. I also see the Pakistanis losing territory. The Afghan Pushtuns are determined to "liberate" their cousins living inside Pakistan and the Pak Pushtuns are also eager to join their Afghan cousins. Together they will become the dominant alpha wolves in Afghanistan. The Baloch people may also rise up and fight to liberate their Baloch territory in the south of Pakistan. The Baloch do not have the numbers in Pakistan (about five million) but they do have vast territory - perfect for guerrilla warfare. This time Pakistan is really screwed. This is what happens when mothers tell their children NOT to go out and play with the other children. |
3/01 2:43 pm | Until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass most disturbing news for Malaysia is support for Najibs house arrest and the DNAAs) in corruption cases. unbelievable, forgiving and trivialising most serious crime in Malaysia and the largest kleptocracy the world has ever seen losses amount to at least RM50 billion. Total losses of over RM100 billion KINIBIZestimated losses would have amounted to over RM50 billion (OSTB : Lets stick to that RM50 billion. Say the money went out by 2 - TWELVE YEARS AGO - since it is only Jan 3rd today. Say over .. the past 12 years the Fat Boy was able to generate a return of 5% per annum on that stolen RM50 Billion. That would be at least RM30 billion in investment income alone over the past 12 years. That is our money too). If we assume RM50 billion as total losses, and an opportunity cost of just 7% a year, not large or unusual for a strategic development company which 1MDB was billed as, the losses more than double to RM100 billion or more! How is it possible that three political parties, Umno, Pas and possibly Bersatu, are supporting Najib? And there appears to be tacit approval at the top too from the gomen which includes PKR, DAP and Amanah? in 2018 the people gave a chance to PH and PKR. But their leaders are intent on bringing Umno back into the mainstream. evidence ECRL project overpricied to cover 1MDBs losses Why the forgiveness? 1MDB asset recovery team looking to recover RM974m dished out to individuals But what is the reason for questionable stance? What happened to fight against corruption? If the AG incapable of doing his job, PM has power to replace him. (OSTB : That power was used only against Ghani Patail). Acquittals and DNAAs conveniently missed the deadline for filing an appeal prosecution applied for a DNAA over the 47 graft charges DNAA to Najib and former treasury secretary general after clear botch-up by prosecution which failed to deliver documents prosecution withdrew appeal over acquittal in Foreign Visa corruption case surprising assertion that prosecution of prominent figures rushed, venomous On Jan 6, Umno, PAS, perhaps Bersatu, will demonstrate in support of Najib (OSTB : I think Bersatu will stay out but the Pas fellows are slime). Pardons Board decision under fierce criticism over steep reduction in jail and fines What stands out is willingness to condone grand larceny of epic proportions Umno reduced to irrelevance with 26 seats in 2022 elections from 56 in 2018 taking this country down a slippery slope - Too late lah. Its time for others to act - Nope they wont - Why should they? Without DAP and Amanah, gomen will collapse with 48 seats gone. Currently, gomen holds 147 out of 222 seats 23 from Sarawaks GPS. UMNO/BN have 30 seats My Comments : In my view a very important step in effecting reform (or continuing the thievery) is to do one of two things: 1. For those "reformers", wannabe reformers and hopeful reformers who have now realised that your long awaited hero - since 26 years ago - is actually a schizoid Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde, a wolf in sheep's clothing, you must do the necessary confession that ' Yes for the past 26 years we were all completely fooled. We were all taken for a ride. Our trust and our hopes have been used, abused and betrayed against us. We have been had. And for that we apologise to all the Malaysians to whom we had been preaching the past 26 years ". And then do not start looking for that Superman who can replace Mr Hyde. Instead lay down clearly, precisely and briefly what YOU think is important in a reformed society. Be brief but be precise. Make a list of TEN PRIORITY ITEMS or 20 items that we must do to reform our society. Make it acceptable for everyone - from the Rungus (in Sabah) to the Thais in Perlis and Kedah (who are Buddhist) - and everyone else in between. Think real Malaysian. Please STOP THINKING LIKE ENGLISH SPEAKING, BANGSAR, PJ, KL OR KLANG VALLEY machos and nachos. That will not work. Who are the Rungus people? Have you met them? What do they need? What do they want? We must cater for all their needs and wants. There is enough for everyone. What are your neighbours afraid of? What is threatening them? Can you suggest ideas to remove their threats? (Do not say ' they are imagining things '. That will not work). 2. For those "reformers", wannabe reformers and hopeful reformers who have now realised that your long awaited hero - since 26 years ago - is actually going to help you steal and plunder well lets hope that you will burn in hell. That whatever loot you steal will be a blight, a plight and a curse on you and your children for seven generations. May you all suffer and die of dreadful diseases. Nothing is going to change. 'Think not that he has come to change their evil Laws or destroy the thieves. He is not come to destroy, but to fulfill the thievery. Not a dot of their evil Laws shall be changed. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the evil Law until all is accomplished". |
2/01 1:22 am | ANAK SABAH MULA CELIK. Press Release: Sabahs Youth: Vanguard Against .. Press Release: Sabahs Youth: Vanguard Against Corruption and Bad Governance Daniel John Jambun Borneos Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo) Share 26th December 2024 When a government indulges in bad governance, abuse of power, and corruption, it is not just an administrative failureit is a betrayal of the peoples trust and a direct attack on the future of the nation. In Sabah, the youth cannot afford to stand idly by while their future is plundered and their voices silenced. As the .. torchbearers of tomorrow, the youth must step up, take responsibility, and play a decisive, relentless, and fearless role in reshaping the direction of Sabah. The youth in Sabah must demand nothing less than good governancegovernance that is transparent, accountable, and rooted in integrity. Corruption is not just a flaw; it is a cancer that eats away at economic progress, perpetuates poverty, and destroys public trust. Abuse of power is not merely a political failure; it is a crime against the aspirations of the people, especially the young, whose dreams are stifled under a system that rewards the corrupt and punishes the honest. A Call to Action *If the government continues to ignore the cries of the people, the youth will no longer tolerate complacency, corruption, and incompetence. The youth must educate and mobilize their communities, ensuring the electorate understands the critical importance of electing leaders who are visionary, competent, and ethical. It is not enough to settle for leaders who are merely popular or well-connected; Sabah deserves leaders who are bold, capable, and determined to drive meaningful change. The youth must also realize that change begins with them. Sitting on the sidelines is no longer an option. They must actively participate in politics, organize movements, and challenge the status quo to ensure their voices are heard. If Sabah is to rise from the grip of bad governance and corruption, the youth must become the architects of that transformation. A Warning to Leaders *To those in power who engage in corruption and abuse, know this: the patience of the people is not infinite, and the youth are watching. Your failure to govern with integrity is not just a stain on your legacyit is a direct threat to Sabahs future. The day is coming when accountability will no longer be optional, and the youth will lead that reckoning. A Vision for Sabah *The future of Sabah cannot be left in the hands of those who exploit it for personal gain. It must be forged by a generation of youth who refuse to accept mediocrity, corruption, or incompetence. Sabah has the potential to thrive economically, socially, and environmentallybut only under leaders who prioritize the people over their own interests. This is not just a responsibilityit is an obligation. The youth of Sabah must rise to the occasion, fight relentlessly for justice and good governance, and build a future where every Sabahan can thrive with dignity and opportunity. Anything less is unacceptable. Daniel John Jambun President Borneos Plight in Malaysia foundation (BoPiMaFo) |
30/12 12:52 am | Kalau Putrajaya Kehilangan 30-40% Hasil Minyak, Ketuanan Melayu Akan .. All this is happening because the pemimpin fellows are refusing to do what is good for the people. Instead they are continuing with the monopolies, the oligopolies, the cronyism, the favoritism, the huge contracts (RM16.5 billion, RM15 billion) which will suck up public funds (duit rakyat) or suck the consumers dry (monopoly service providers etc). The entire system is geared to make the elites richer. The people can eat cake. Here is a Tik Tok video from Sarawak. The young man says many .. things. The important thing is this is what is being said at the ground level. The young people are getting fed up. You have to click on the link : https://vt.tiktok.com/ ZS6BrPsKr/ There is plenty of comment about Sarawak, Petros and their demand for Sarawak to keep their share of Sarawak oil and gas revenues. could lose portion of oil revenue to Petros if Petros takes over the role of sole gas aggregator in Sarawak: Revenue loss : Some say 3040% of petroleum revenue could go to Petros. 28% of Putrajaya's revenue is from oil and gas. Capital spending in oil and gas could be affected. Gas drilling accounts for 22% of domestic capital expenditure. Upstream operations could be reduced. The Sarawak government wants to make Petros the sole gas aggregator in the state to restore its autonomy over natural resources. This w ould give Sarawak higher compensation for the oil and gas extracted from its territory. My Comments : These donkeys do not seem to care. They do not understand that in 2018 the people threw out the unworkable and failed Dasar Ekonomi Baru into the trash bin. After 63 years the people said enough is enough. Dr Mahathir 2.0 appeared in 2018. Dr M 2.0 made absolutely no change to the broken system which he created. Dr M 2.0 wanted to continue with the broken system which just got UMNO (his party) kicked out of power. So Dr M 2.0 lasted 22 months then he got kicked out. (Later in 2022 Dr M 2.0 would lose his deposit in Langkawi). Tan Sri Muhyiddin took over from Dr M 2.0. Tan Sri Muhyiddin also got canned after more than a year. The same thing happened - he did not change any of the failed policies of the previous 65 years. He was replaced by Ismail Sabri - who lasted also for over a year. Sabri did not make a single change in any of the policies which had failed the country for the previous 66 years. Again Sabri also got canned. And it continues. In 2023 across SIX state elections the PH contested about 245 State seats. They won only about 77 seats (lebih kurang ok, I got no time to double check). Out of these 77 seats 34 seats were won in Selangor and 19 seats in Penang Both being their 'home grounds'. In Kedah, Terengganu and Kelantan the PH got kicked in the butt. UMNO contested 108 seats and got wiped out. They won only 19 State seats. The PKR won about 43 seats (again mostly in two states ie Selangor and Penang). These clowns do not realise that you have ALL lost the support from the people because you have NOT CHANGED any of the 54 year old FAILED policies which got you kicked outin the first place. Abang Johari in Sarawak is going to win big in the next Sarawak elections. Maybe a 100% landslide. He has abolished racial quotas for entry into universities in Sarawak. This includes government universities funded by Putrajaya. On the Semenanjung they are still wasting time with this really 'membikin kita bodoh' policy. Now it has come to the stage where students are being murdered on campuses and professors are sending naked selfies to students !! Dr Mahathir is wasting time talking about signboards written in Chinese. Hello Tun how about signboards written in Nepali and Myanmarese? The reason is corruption. 24 years ago my wife and I went to the bandaraya fellows to apply for our kedai emas signboard permit. They refused to approve our application. ' Ini tak betul encik, itu tak boleh encik' . We were at our wits end. It was just a stupid signboard. What was so difficult about approving a permit for a signboard. Then we figured it out. You dont go to the bandaraya fellows by yourself. Memang tak layan. You hire the signboard contractor (aka the syarikat advertising). They will get it done for you. Instead of paying less than RM100 directly to the bandaraya we had to pay the syarikat advertising a few hundred Ringgit. After the ' satu untuk kau, dua untuk aku ' the bandaraya fellows approved it in no time. Considering the thousands of applications for signboard permits can you figure out how much corruption money is involved just from signboard permits alone? That is how the Nepalese and Myanmar fellows put up their signboards (they all have approvals) in Nepali and Myanmar language. Semua sudah bayar. Hello YB Kuda Liar please double check - all the Chinese language, Nepali and Myanmar language signboards have approvals. Semua sudah bayar. So at the ground level, at the level of the man in the street nothing has changed. Things are perhaps getting worse. Only the rich are getting richer. Today I saw a photograph showing a private jet arriving in Langkawi. That fellow got off the plane. The caption said the jet belongs to the helicopter contract. Super kaya raya. If there is an election next week these people are not going to win. Do they care? Not at all. For them it is just never ending 'pukul habis'. If they get caught, they can get the charges dropped, DNAA, sentences reduced or even released from jail. They dont have to worry. In the meantime they have to be creative to cling on to their perch. So they have to make concessions, they have to make deals, etc. Except that this type of wheeling and dealing will break down very fast. So Abang Johari will likely get his 30% or 40% oil and gas revenue. If that happens there will be many new billionaires in Sarawak. That is Step No. 1. How do you say ' Saya sudah kaya ' in Foo Chow? Step 2 is Ketuanan Melayu in the Semenanjung will get thrown out of the bus. If they lose 30% - 40% oil revenues, mampos depa. Even the biasiswa kerajaan might disappear. Chairman GLC may have to call Grab taxi. No more chauffeur driven Mercedes. Step 3 is the loss in revenue must be replaced. They must find new money. Just borrow lah. Just issue more bonds. Just get EPF to use more employees contributions to buy the bonds. Or get KWAP to use pensioners money to buy the bonds. Hutang kerajaan akan naik lebih tinggi daripada Gunung Kinabalu. All this can be avoided if the ruling party (whoever that may be) can win big at the elections. Then you can tell Abang Johari to keep quiet and sit down. How can you win big? Such an easy question. 1. Abolish all the gomen granted monopolies and oligopolies - rice import, motor vehicle APs, import taxes on vehicles, banking oligopoly, GLC monopolies etc. 2. Abolish all those thieving toll collections. They are stealing from the rakyat. 3. Abolish all the racial quotas everywhere (even the Malays disagree with them) 4. Get rid of the religious morons. Dont give public funds to the religious morons. 5. Stop the corruption. 6. Reform the education system - from tadika to university. How to reform? No ghetto-isation of education. A school is not a religious or racial ghetto. Plus many more. Change the whole system. If you dont then three things can happen : 1. you cannot win the elections. Or you cannot form the gomen. 2. Abang Johari will get his 30% - 40% oil revenue. 3. Tan Sri Chairman of the GLC cannot marry the second or third wife. |
29/12 7:02 pm | Afghans Retaliate, 20 Pak Soldiers Killed. First on December 20th, the Pakistan Taliban (aka Afghan proxy) killed 16 Pakistani soldiers on the disputed border. Then in retaliation Pakistan bombed Afghanistan and killed 46 people. Now the Afghan Taliban itself (not the Pakistan Taliban TTP proxy) have counter-retaliated. They killed 19 Pakistani soldiers and in another fire fight one more Pak soldier was killed. This is a direct attack by the Afghan Taliban on Pakistan. I suppose these folks have plenty more soldiers who can be .. sacrificed. Here is a three minute video: The disputed border between Afghanistan and Pakistan or the Durand Line is 2,400 km long. This is not going to end well. |
28/12 9:30 am | Trump Putin Summit Meeting Where will the meeting be held? Because the International Court of Justice has issued a warrant of arrest for President Vladimir Putin. Technically he can be arrested in any country which subscribes to the ICC. The USA does not recognise the ICC. Perhaps Mr Trump should meet Mr Putin in Germany or Italy? Or maybe in China? That would shake things up. Mr Trump has announced that after he is installed as the 47th president of the US on January 20, 2025 (23 days away) he would like to meet Mr .. Putin. It immediately implies that the US sanctions against Russia are all but over. Russian gas should flow again. It will make Olaf Quisling Scholze and the Brits (Keir Starmer) look really silly. I hope the security detail around Mr Trump will be significantly improved. The people who tried to assassinate him TWICE will still try for a third time. It looks like economically Russia will be rehabilitated. I am sure Mr Putin will negotiate for a package deal. Mr Trump's main focus will be how much territory will Ukraine lose to Russia? I believe Mr Putin will give up some Ukrainian territory. And the US will stop rearming Ukraine. There is also the legitimacy of the Ukrainian government because the term of the government and the president has expired. I doubt Mr Putin will sign anything with an illegitimate Ukrainian government. They should have general elections in Ukraine to elect a new president and a new government. I believe Zelenskiye will not be running again. The more relevant issue is America has really lost its place as a world leader. With Mr Trump there is no more global warming. The Republicans do not believe in the global warming crap. So the entire spectrum of zero carbon, climate change, global warming etc is going to disappear from the American and Western horizon for the next four years and possibly for another eight years after that. We are looking at possibly 12 years of no more global warming bullying around the world. Then overnite the policy against Russia has changed. Russia and Mr Putin are now the good guys again. Just like that - in the blink of an eye. Russia has not changed, Mr Putin has not changed. Only the US has changed their attitude. Simply because the Republicans won the elections. If you have any disagreements with the US just wait until their president changes. 23 more days to go. |
28/12 7:00 am | Hayat Tahrir al Sham Ingin Berdamai Dengan Israel, Seru Bantuan Amerika .. "Our problem is not Israel," Maher Marwan, new governor of Damascus spoke on be half of new Syrian leader Abu Mohammad al-Julani Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) looking to consolidate international legitimacy Marwan said "natural" that Israel concerned about new Syrian govt as a result of this "fear," Israel "advanced a little, bombed a little" Syria doesn't "want to meddle or threaten Israel's security" Marwan called on US to facilitate better relations with Israel A US official said the US had .. relayed HTS's message to Israel. "We want peace, and we do not want to be opponent to Israel or anyone' My Comments : It may not be impossible that HTS and Syria will join the Abrahamic Accords. It is surprising that HTS are reaching out to both the United States and to Israel. By the way the Russian military bases in Latakia and Khmeimim remain intact. I think the Kurdish people in the east of Syria are going to get their autonomy soon. |
26/12 8:39 pm | Bunuh, Rogol, Kena Buli, Pergaduhan Kaum Di Pusat Latihan, Di IPTA. What .. Tuan-tuan sila dengar 'perbahasan' di Parlimen ini. I must admit kali ini YB yang bercakap bentangkan facts and figures untuk sokong hujah mereka. Tahniah. Di rogol oleh 21 pelatih yang lain? Apa sudah jadi dengan kes itu? Was there a Police report? Ada tangkapan tak? What happened to the case? Pergaduhan kaum pula? Jadi apa gunanya latihan PLKN untuk tujuan "memupuk perpaduan negara" jika berlaku pula pergaduhan kaum? Masa depa buat latihan khidmat negara dulu berbilion Ringgit duit kita sudah .. hangus. Ikut YB yang berbahas itu jumlahnya melebihi RM4.0 billion. Sudah hangus. Kumpulan tertentu yang ada kabel telah sapu kontrak pembekalan, training, sewa kem, uniform dsbnya. Tapi apakah kebaikan daripada program PLKN dulu? Nothing useful was achieved. Jangan buang masa anak-anak kita dan jangan buang duit kita. SIAPA NAK KALAH UNDI BOLEHLAH SOKONG PROGRAM PLKN INI. Go ahead. See what happens to you. |
26/12 8:06 pm | War Between Afghanistan And Pakistan? Here is a short video. You can watch just the first three minutes and then it repeats. It does not upload so please click on the link. ... Sometime last week the Pakistan Taliban (full name Tehreeke Taliban Pakistan or Tarikat Taliban Pakistan or TTP) attacked a Pakistan / Afghanistan border area and killed 16 Pakistani soldiers. The attack took place inside Pakistan. The TTP are the Pashtun people. The reality is the Taliban in Afghanistan are playing a cat and mouse game. The Taliban in .. Afghanistan are also Pushtun so this is a racial thing going on. The Afghan Taliban are funding and equipping the TTP and encouraging them to attack Pakistan. They play cat. After conducting these attacks inside Pakistan the TTP fighters escape across the border and hide inside Afghanistan. When the Pakistanis accuse the Afghans of giving refuge to the TTP fighters, the Afghans say they have nothing to do with the TTP and that the TTP is an internal problem of Pakistan. They play mouse. The Pakistanis know this cat and mouse game very well. So on Tuesday the Pakistanis struck back. The Pakistan Air Force bombed some Afghan villages along the border (inside Afghan territory). The Pakistanis say they killed 20 of the TTP terrorists hiding inside Afghanistan. Afghanistan said the Pakistani bombing killed 46 women and children, and that no TTP terrorists were involved. And Afghanistan said they will retaliate against Pakistan. There are about 15 million Pashtuns in Afghanistan. They make up half the population of Afghanistan and they also control the Taliban government. Over in Pakistan there are 43 million Pushtuns out of a population of 247 million Pakistanis. There are THREE times more Pushtuns in Pakistan than in Afghanistan. All the 43 million Pakistani Pushtuns live along the highly contested and not properly defined Afghan-Pakistan border. The Pushtun people in Pakistan clearly do not like the Pakistani government which is dominated by Pakistan's 70 million Punjabis (the single largest ethnic group in Pakistan). Just like the Kurdish people in Syria, Iran, Turkey and Iraq who want their own Kurdish homeland so too the Pushtun people want their own "Pushtunistan". An amalgamation of Afghanistan and all the Pushtun inhabited border areas inside Pakistan. This is their long term goal and only the blind cannot see this. It is the right of every ethnic people to want to rule over themselves in their own homeland. The Taliban (aka the Pushtun people) have only recently come to power in Afghanistan. They kicked out the Americans on 15th August 2021. When they left in a hurry the Americans "conveniently" abandoned billions of US Dollars worth of military equipment in Afghanistan which have all been grabbed by the Taliban. The Taliban are well armed and have huge quantities of ammunition, bombs, artillery shells, etc. After four years in power the Afghan Taliban are itching to do what they know best - fight wars in the mountains. And they do not recognise the Durand Line - that undetermined border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Plus there are another 43 million Pushtuns living on the 'wrong' side of the border who need to be liberated. This is just another very troubled neighborhood. |
26/12 10:00 am | 15 Syrian Missile Boats Wiped Out By One Ship. On December 10th 2024 the Israeli Navy wiped out the small Syrian navy. The 'small' Syrian navy was made up mainly of 15 missile boats which were armed with sea to sea and sea to land missiles which could create chaos for Israel. Hence they decided to destroy all 15 of the Syrian missile boats with their missiles onboard. Here are two pictures and a one minute video of the attack on the Syrian Navy at the port of Latakia. All the damage above was caused by just one Israeli missile craft. Here .. it is. This is a 480 ton Saar 4.5-class missile boa t, the INS Herev. Built in Israel in 2002. The Israeli missile boat fired 15 missiles, and all 15 Syrian boats were hit within minutes. They all sank and were rendered out of service. It was a one-shot-one-kill strike. The Sa'ar class missile boats carry the Harpoon and/or the Gabriel anti-ship missiles. This strike most likely involved the Gabriel sea-skimming missile the latest models of which have over-the-horizon range of 60 km to over 200 km. The Sa'ar class boats can carry 38 Gabriel missiles. As you can see this is a narrow diameter missile which is fired from canisters or pods of multiple missiles. |
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