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21/04 7:28 pm
Addendum senjata baru pembangkang - Msomelayu

ULASAN DAN PENDAPAT Anwar bersama Zahid Hamidi, gabungan menjadi paksi kerajaan Madani

habis-habis. Titah tambahan atau addendum berhubung pengampunan terhadap Najib dijadikan modal untuk menggugat kerajaan Madani dan Anwar. Iya menambahkan kegembiraan pihak membenci Anwar apabila adendum itu diikrarkan (dijadikan afidivit) oleh Zahid Hamidi menyokong semakan kehakiman oleh Najib Razak. Sokongan Zahid Hamidi itu sedikit mencelarukan keadaan memandangkan beliau berada dalam kerajaan, sikapnya itu seperti memijak ekor sendiri. Sebenarnya apa dilakukan Zahid itu tidak perlu diragui jika kita mengetahui sejarah politiknya. Maaf saya cukup faham hipokrasi politik Zahid. Adalah naif kalau Zahid tidak faham akan implikasi perbuatan itu. Beliau kini ditekan dari dalam Umno kononnya tidak berbuat apa-apa untuk proses pengampunan dan membebaskan Najib. Para penyodok punggung Najib malam siang menghentam Zahid menuduh Zahid sudah jadi kacang lupakan kulit terhadap Najib. Ikrar afidivit atau menjadi saksi "kritikal" itu adalah bukti yang beliau membela bosnya itu. Jadi apa dilakukan Zahid itu tanpa mengira implikasinya untuk membuktikan bahawa dia masih setia dan berusaha untuk membebaskan Najib. Najib memfailkan permohonan di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur pada 1 April lalu bagi mendapatkan semakan kehakiman mencabar kewujudan Titah Adendum atau titah tambahan yang dipertuan Agong ke-16 berhubung pengampunan untuknya. Apa menjadi masalah adendum berkenaan sebelum ini tidak berbangkit. Najib terus memperjuangkan kebebasan mutlak. Dalam titah tambahan itu memberi pengampunan supaya bekas PM itu menjalani pemenjaraan selama enam tahun di rumah. Sebelum ini pengampunan sudah diberikan kepada Najib dengan memotong tempoh pemenjaraan 12 tahun kepada enam tahun dan denda daripada RM120 juta kepada RM50 juta. Zahid membuat afidivit itu, mengakui mengetahui akan titah tambahan itu apabila beliau dimaklumkan oleh Menteri Pelaburan Perdagangan dan Industri Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz ketika mereka bertemu di rumah Zahid di Country Height pada 30 Januari. Ekoran penemuan titah tambahan itu yang kemudian dijadikan afidivit bagi menyokong semakan kehakiman Najib ia menimbulkan polemik sehingga ada yang beranggapan ada sesuatu yang tidak kena berlaku dalam kerajaan sehingga ada yang menyangka ada keretakan dalam kerajaan. Ada yang menuduh anggota kabinet berbohong mengenai pengampunan terhadap Najib dengan menyembunyikan titah tambahan itu, dan "sepoi"nya ada cuba mengaitkan wujud campur tangan perdana menteri sama. Antara individu terpalit dengan tuduhan, Saifuddin Nasution Ismail selaku menteri Dalam Negeri (KDN) dituduh sebagai bertanggungjawab mengenai hal itu dengan tidak berterus terang. Apabila Saifuddin diserang, ertinya serangan itu tertuju kepada PM. Ironisnya, addendum itu menjadi perkara yang turut disinggung oleh seorang ahli Parlimen Kerajaan, Hassan Karim (Pasir Gudang) yang mempersoalkan tindakan Zahid membuat afidivit yang menyokong semakan kehakiman Najib itu sebagai mencabar kerajaan. Hassan dalam mempersoalkan tindakan Zahid itu membawa balik kisah Musa Hitam dengan Dr Mahathir Mohamad sebelum ini, dimana Musa mengundur diri dari kabinet kerana tidak sehaluan dengan Mahathir. Ahli Parlimen Pasir Gudang memberi signal kepada Zahid dengan mencadangkan Zahid berbuat hal sama dengan Musa terhadap Mahathir, berundur dari kabinet. Sedikit sebanyak isu addendum ini menganggu minda Anwar Ibrahim. Semasa berucap di konvensyen Keadilan sempena 25 tahun parti itu hari ini, beliau menjelaskan tentang perkara itu dengan menegaskan kerajaan tidak akan mempersoalkan kuasa Yang diPertuan Agong dan Raja-raja Melayu dalam sesuatu isu termasuk permohonan Najib Razak agar dia dibenarkan menjalani hukuman di rumah. Menurut Anwar yang juga presiden Keadilan, isu itu menyentuh peranan dua pihak iaitu Lembaga Pengampunan Wilayah Persekutuan, serta Agong sendiri. Maksudnya dua pihak itu bertanggungjawab dan beliau tidak terbabit. Dalam pada itu beliau juga menafikan Afidavit Zahid itu melibatkan sebarang cubaan kerajaan untuk mengurangkan keputusan yang sudah ditetapkan oleh mahkamah ke atas Najib. "Pendirian kita (kerajaan) adalah tuntas, bahawa keputusan dibuat dalam mesyuarat lembaga pengampunan, keputusan muktamad," ujarnya di hadapan lebih 5,000 peserta dan pemerhati konvensyen di IDCC Shah Alam. Anwar juga memberi tahu sejak merdeka hingga sekarang belum ada tindakan kerajaan yang menyinggung peranan dan kuasa Raja-raja Melayu, dan itu kita kena pertahankan. Mengenai perkara semakan kehakiman oleh Najib ini saya ingin menyimpul begini, bahawa isu ini tidak terlibat dengan perdana menteri atau kerajaan secara langsung. Pihak kerajaan mematuhi dan menerima apa yang diputuskan oleh Lembaga Pengampunan manakala hak menyemak itu adalah hak mutlak Najib. Kedua, isu berkenaan adalah isu peribadi Najib Razak dan Zahid Hamidi sebagai bekas presiden Umno dengan presiden Umno yang berkebetulan kedua mereka adalah mempunyai hubungan sahabat. Apabila Zahid mencatatkan nama jawatannya dalam Afidavitnya selaku Timbalan Perdana Menteri, ia tidak boleh dikaitkan Afidavit itu sebagai suara kerajaan. Mereka yang menganggap tindakan Zahid itu sebagai melawan atau mencabar keputusan kerajaan adalah silap dan kurang mencermati serta memahami chemistry politik di antara bekas perdana menteri dengan timbalan perdana menteri serta juga cetek tentang seni politik demokrasi ala Malaysia. Dan tidak dinafikan isu Najib ini memberi sedikit tekanan jiwa baik kepada Zahid dan juga Anwar Ibrahim namun jauh sekali kalau meretakkan kerajaan Madani. [wm.kl. 6:50 pm 21/04/2024]

Kes Najib: Titah Adendum bidang kuasa Agong, PM ambil sikap berkecuali - Wrlr - 19/04 10:40 pm

"Oleh itu semua pihak sepatutnya terima kenyataan tersebut dan terus dengan tumpuan kita untuk jamin keamanan, perkukuhkan kestabilan politik dan membangunkan negara," katanya kepada pemberita usai solat Jumaat di Masjid Bandar Teknologi Kajang, Selangor, petang tadi. Selain itu, berkenaan afidavit yang difailkan Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi, Perdana Menteri berkata beliau juga maklum dengan perkara berkenaan

kuasa Lembaga Pengampunan dan wewenang sepenuhnya Yang di-Pertuan Agong atau Raja-raja Melayu. "Oleh itu semua pihak sepatutnya terima kenyataan tersebut dan terus dengan tumpuan kita untuk jamin keamanan, perkukuhkan kestabilan politik dan membangunkan negara," katanya kepada pemberita usai solat Jumaat di Masjid Bandar Teknologi Kajang, Selangor, petang tadi. Selain itu, berkenaan afidavit yang difailkan Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi, Perdana Menteri berkata beliau juga maklum dengan perkara berkenaan. Namun katanya, pendirian kerajaan adalah tidak mencabar sebarang keputusan melibatkan institusi beraja di mahkamah, selain menjelaskan afidavit yang dibawa Zahid Hamidi atas kapasitinya sebagai Presiden UMNO. "Urusan Raja-Raja tidak harus dicabar jadi sebab itu saya tidak mahu ulas selain menyatakan ini prinsip kerajaan sejak merdeka," katanya lagi. Menerusi afidavit dibawa Ahmad Zahid pada 9 April lalu, beliau dimaklumkan mengenai kewujudan titah itu oleh Menteri Pelaburan, Perdagangan dan Industri, Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz ketika pertemuan di rumah Presiden UMNO berkenaan di Country Heights, 30 Januari tahun lalu. Zahid dilaporkan berkata, beliau melihat dan membaca Titah Adendum itu dan jelas dengan isi kandungannya.

Najib's Conviction and Sentence matters a lot to Malaysians - Did PM Anwar know of any addendum order by King? - Charleshector - 19/04 7:58 pm

The new coalition government then under PM Muhyiddin and then PM Ismail Sabri took the stand of not including MPs under investigation or facing trials('court cluster') in the Cabinet - they were just government Backbencher MPs. However, when Anwar became Prime Minister - The Deputy Prime Minister was UMNO/BN Chairperson Zahid Hamidi who was facing several trials, and the Deputy Finance Minister was also from UMNO Ahmad Maslan.

CONVICTIONS by Court, and to date does not include HOUSE ARREST in Malaysia.... Can pardon powers include special privileges for some prisoners, who are 'friends' of the King or government of the day? Many in Malaysia believed for a long time that past Prime Ministers and Cabinet members, and ruling party members were abusing the powers and 'stealing' government funds of the people, and they believed that law enforcers and those in the administration of justice were wrongly 'closing their eyes' - for these 'powerful people' were ABOVE the law, and 'protected'. But, alas it was a belief only, with no real proof... After GE14, when Pakatan Harapan finally ousted the BN regime, who were in power since Independence, finally things started moving and 'suspected' criminals were being investigated, prosecuted, tried and convicted. Najib Razak's trial and conviction was very important as he was the former Prime Minister and former head of BN - and these meant all the other lesser politicians will also finally face justice. This made Malaysians hopeful for finally criminals will not escape but will have to pay for their crimes according to the law. Of course, in Najib's case, investigation and prosecution became inevitable as the 1MDB Scandal was not just a Malaysian scandal, but was a global scandal and many in many other countries were also being investigated, charged and tried for various related crimes. Unlike murder or simple theft, crimes committed by these politicians and their friends are complicated and sometimes crosses national boundaries... but SYABAS or CONGRATULATIONS to the Malaysian law enforcement for effectively investigating and prosecuting these cases... But then came Anwar Ibrahim as the Prime Minister after GE15 with his PH-led coalition - and things started changing. Somehow, what was achieved by PH before is now being overturned... Before GE15, PH main 'enemy' was Barisan Nasional(BN). After GE15, PH did not win the required number of parliamentary seats to form government on its own. The King suggested that PH forms a coalition government with PN (Perikatan Nasional) but then PN took a strong stand that it would not form a coalition government with PH. BN(30), PH(81), PN(74),GTA(0),GRS(6),GPS(23),OTH(8) The Sabah and Sarawak parties would normally join the government party that have sufficient seats. So, Pakatan Harapan had a CHOICE to make (a) Form government by entering into a coalition with BN; OR (b) Stay in Opposition and allow PN to try to form a government.. PH chose (a) and entered into a coalition government with its political enemy for decades, the BN. This was a MAJOR COMPROMISE, which many supporters of PH were not happy with. Should PH have stuck with its principles, values and reform agenda - and stayed in Opposition if it could not form government with other parties, as long as it was not BN? After DECADES, Malaysians decided to reject BN despite the risk of repercussions - Note BN had 79 MPs after GE14, and this became only 30 after GE15. The trend was the complete rejection of BN was coming soon. But, when PH joined BN to form government - BN got a lifeline that could revive BN, or alternatively bring down PH. It looks like come GE16, we may have a PH-BN Coalition - so, will this be seen as BN Baru? Even after the Sheraton Move, following the leaving of one PH Party(BERSATU) and many MPs from other PH Parties, where the highest number was from Anwar's PKR. The new coalition government then under PM Muhyiddin and then PM Ismail Sabri took the stand of not including MPs under investigation or facing trials('court cluster') in the Cabinet - they were just government Backbencher MPs. However, when Anwar became Prime Minister - The Deputy Prime Minister was UMNO/BN Chairperson Zahid Hamidi who was facing several trials, and the Deputy Finance Minister was also from UMNO Ahmad Maslan.. Then, we had Najib's Pardon that halved his sentence - Note that the King acts on the advice of the Pardons Board - made up of the Attorney General, a Minister and 3 others. After Anwar's pardon soon after PH won in GE14 created the perception that the government has great influence or 'control' of who the King/Rulers pardon, so many saw Najib's pardon was because of PH and BN coalition government... Then there were other things the Anwar's government did # It 'helped' Zahid Hamidi stay on as President. Apparently, in the midst of an UMNO General Meeting a motion was tabled that there be no contest for the top 2 position - that means no other deserving candidate can be nominated or contest to become President or No. 2. A complaint was lodged with the Registrar of Society, who reasonably would have decided that this 'Motion/Resolution' was illegal being contrary to UMNO's constitution or the law - Then the HOME MINISTER stepped in and granted an EXEMPTION which allowed UMNO to go against its rules/constitution and/or the law(Societies Act). Home Minister's exemption to UMNO questionable? Was there ''illegality, irrationality or unreasonableness'? No Minister has absolute discretion to do as he pleases... Will PM Anwar REPEAL draconian Societies Act? The Act to prevent registrations of Political Parties, to make unlawful societies,...???? ## One of the biggest hurdle for the prosecution is to prove PRIMA FACIE case, all the elements of the charge whereby if the accussed fails to raise REASONABLE DOUBT during the Defence case will result in conviction and sentencing. So, the decision of the AG/Public Prosecutor to discontinue the criminal case of Zahid Hamidi at the defence stage was rather ODD. If DPP Raja Rozela Raja Toran continues to prosecute, Zahid Hamidi will likely be convicted and sentenced? Come back and prosecute to the end.. When AG who discontinued Zahid's case gets appointed Chairman of a GLC - A question of public perception? Judges/Courts confused by 'badly drafted' law - Parliament must CLARIFY whether when Prosecutor discontinues a case, the accussed is to be acquitted or DNAAed as of right? Zahid Hamidi's DNAA?? NGO gesa prosiding penjelasan isu DNAA Zahid disiar langsung(Malaysian Insight) Live Broadcast/Hansard for all Parliamentary Select Committee (Zahid's DNAA) - A media statement What happened to Zahid's DNAA Parliamentary Committee? Separation of AG from Public Prosecutor important but the DNAA? Zahid Hamidi's can always be charged again, the trial reinstated and continued - section 254A CPC? Explaining and concerns? Another UMNO politician cases:- Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin and his wife Datin Seri Zizie Izette Abd Samad were freed from all corruption charges involving RM2.8 million.High Court Judge Datuk Azhar Abdul Hamid acquitted and discharged the couple from the case today.He made the decision after ruling that the Sessions Court erred in ordering Bung Moktar and Zizie Izette to enter their defence on Sept 2, last year. On May 3, 2019, Bung Moktar was charged with two charges of accepting bribes of RM2.2 million and RM262,500 as an inducement to obtain Felcra approval to invest RM150 million in Public Mutual unit trusts. - NST, 7/9/2023 Was there any former BN politician charged for abuse of power, corruption, money laundering, etc - crimes committed when they were Ministers or MPs of the government party during the BN rule? Even prosecution appeals against the acquittals of then BN leaders are getting delayed and delayed... Zahid Hamidi - Court of Appeal not respected? No more adjournments - Let COA hear the appeal. CLEAN and idependent administration of justice is fundamental. With the reason alleged Pardon of Najib that saw the sentence being cut in half, people were unhappy. We have yet to see the Pardon Decision of the King, all we have seen is a statement by the Pardons Board - True, the King has to do as advised by the Pardons Board - but still the final Pardon Decision should be issued by the King or the Palace, as was done when Anwar Ibrahim was pardoned. Najib's PARDON now may have serious impact to Malaysia, Malaysian law enforcement, prosecution and courts? Najib's Pardon - King, not Pardon Board have the power - As the King did not tell us when he was King, is there any consequences? PARDON - Discrimination, only for some? Should Shafee's disclosure that could invalidate Najib's pardon be acted on? A law on PARDONS? N ow, there is allegation that the King's Pardon also said that Najib was to serve his remaining prison sentence at home ...under 'house arrest'. If TRUE, this is a VERY SERIOUS issue - WHY DID PM ANWAR IBRAHIM OR THE GOVERNMENT NOT TELL US THEN ABOUT THIS 'HOUSE ARREST' THINGY THAT THE KING ALLEGEDLY ORDERED? This was NOT in the Pardon Boards public statement. Even if the King makes a WRONG orders about Najib's Pardon, NOT as advised by the Pardons Board or against the Constitution/Law, then rightly the Pardons Board(which includes the Attorney General) and maybe the Prime Minister ought to have informed him of the mistake - so that the King can revise it and come out with a Pardons Order that is correct and in accordance to law. The Pardons Board or the PM(or the Cabinet) cannot just reveal a part of the Order and not the full order. This is wrong and may also be DISRESPECT to the King? Interestingly, now the Deputy Prime Minister also admits that he knew about the 'additional order' - so why did he not reveal it then as the Pardon happened at the end of February 2024? Did the Deputy hide it from Prime Minister Anwar? Or did Anwar Ibrahim also know but elected not to DISCLOSE it, or act upon it? The King's Pardon Order must be disclosed to the public - Transparency Please. In the document, the Umno president[DPM Zahid Hamidi] said he was shown the document by former Selangor Umno treasurer Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz at his (Ahmad Zahid's) house at Country Heights on Jan 30 ...I further sighted that the addendum order is dated Jan 29 and has the seal and signature of His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda the Yang di-Pertuan Agong XVI. Was it Prime Minister's plan to delay the disclosure of the 'addendum order' - because the Malaysian public was already angry that Najib's sentence was cut in half? Will Anwar also be filing an Affidavit - after all he is the Prime Minister? Anyway, we will see what happens in court? Anwar Ibrahim commented on Zahid Hamidi's Affidavit - Commenting on his deputys affidavit filed in Najibs application for judicial review of his partial pardon, Anwar said it was Zahids prerogative to do so. He (submitted the affidavit) in his capacity as the Umno president, and the attorney general represented the Pardons Board, Anwar was quoted as saying by the Malaysiakini news portal.ed the affidavit) in his capacity as the Umno president, and the attorney general represented the Pardons Board, Anwar was quoted as saying by the Malaysiakini news portal. We remain steadfast that all decisions involving the Malay Rulers cannot be challenged. I do not wish to comment further as this has been our (the governments) principle since independence. Comments :- Foolish, because Zahid Hamidi was the Deputy Prime Minister when the Pardon was given until now. Did the Deputy Prime Minister inform the Prime Minister and the Cabinet at the material time about the alleged 'adendum order' about house arrest? Or did he keep the PM and the Cabinet, and the Parliament in the dark? Anwar, being Prime Minister cannot not affirm an Affidavit in Najib's application for Judicial Review - as there are material questions that he must tell us - was he aware of any such 'addendum order', part of the King's Pardon, and when did he become aware of it and why did he not act on it? Who is in the Pardon's Board - the Attorney General(appointed by King on the advice of PM Anwar Ibrahim), the Minister in charge of Federal Territories( (appointed by King on the advice of PM Anwar Ibrahim, and also member of the Cabinet), and the 3 other members of the Pardon Board(again reasonably appointed by King on the advice of the Prime Minister) Implementation of the Pardon Order - well, again it is the Executive Branch led by the Prime Minister. House Arrest(even if possible) - there is FINANCIAL IMPLICATION as prison officers will need to secure the premises, so that the prisoner does not escape his place of detention. Then, the bigger problem is that there is still law stipulating how 'house arrest' works. So, Anwar cannot say he is not involved... Also note that the Pardons Board statement was issued under the PRIME MINISTER's Department letterhead. Anyway, all in all, the Malaysian people and the international community are watching - what happens in court will affect public perception of Anwar and PH... Royal addendum for Najib's house arrest is real, says Zahid By NURBAITI HAMDAN Nation Wednesday, 17 Apr 2024 3:28 PM MYT KUALA LUMPUR: The Royal addendum from the former Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Riayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah, which would allow Datuk Seri Najib Razak to go under house arrest, does exist, claims Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. The Deputy Prime Minister said this in his affidavit in support of Najib's application for leave to commence judicial review in relation to the royal addendum he claimed was granted to him along with his royal pardon. In the document, the Umno president said he was shown the document by former Selangor Umno treasurer Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz at his (Ahmad Zahid's) house at Country Heights on Jan 30. Ahmad Zahid said Tengku Zafrul showed him a copy of the addendum order on his (Tengku Zafrul's) phone which he personally photographed or scanned from an original copy as shown to him by the former YDPA. The contents of the addendum order expressly stated that the applicant (Najib) be allowed to serve the reduced sentence of his imprisonment under condition of house arrest, instead of the current prison confinement in the Kajang Prison. I further sighted that the addendum order is dated Jan 29 and has the seal and signature of His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda the Yang di-Pertuan Agong XVI. I further confirm that the addendum order is genuine and in fact is the Royal Prerogative Order as the Main Order. I verily believe that for the sufficient period of time I sighted and read the addendum order, and I clearly saw the entire contents and that it forms part of the pardon process. Thus, I hereby confirm the existence of the addendum order dated Jan 29 issued by the former King, Ahmad Zahid stated in the affidavit dated April 9. The affidavit is accessible to the public on the judiciary website. Previously, the court was told that a "crucial witness" would be supporting Najib's application in his bid to go under house arrest. Ahmad Zahid, however, stated that he did not have a copy of the impugned document due to confidentiality and propriety, especially in the light of the fact that the addendum order had by then not been executed or enforced. He said he believed that other government members have seen the addendum order apart from him and Tengku Zafrul. Specifically, I am aware that Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail (Pahang menteri besar) has also seen a copy of the addendum order and can confirm the same. I am further verily informed that the Attorney General (AG) has the original copy of the addendum order for his legal input on the same, Ahmad Zahid said. Earlier, the High Court barred the press from covering the hearing of Najib's leave application at the request of Najib's lead counsel Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah. Muhammad Shafee said the matter should be moved in-chambers due to its sensitive nature. Senior Federal Counsels Shamsul Bolhassan and Ahmad Hanir Hambaly did not object. Justice Amarjeet Singh allowed the application. The judge fixed June 5 to deliver his decision. - Star, 17/4/2024 Zahid didnt use official position to support Najib, says Anwar Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim with the public at Gerai Kak Ngah Billion in Bandar Teknologi Kajang for lunch before performing Friday prayers, April 19, 2024. The prime minister said today that Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi issued an affidavit in support of ex-prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in the formers capacity as Umno president. Bernama pic By Justin Ong Friday, 19 Apr 2024 4:38 PM MYT KUALA LUMPUR, April 19 Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi issued an affidavit in support of ex-prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in the formers capacity as Umno president, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said today. Commenting on his deputys affidavit filed in Najibs application for judicial review of his partial pardon, Anwar said it was Zahids prerogative to do so. He (submitted the affidavit) in his capacity as the Umno president, and the attorney general represented the Pardons Board, Anwar was quoted as saying by the Malaysiakini news portal.ed the affidavit) in his capacity as the Umno president, and the attorney general represented the Pardons Board, Anwar was quoted as saying by the Malaysiakini news portal. We remain steadfast that all decisions involving the Malay Rulers cannot be challenged. I do not wish to comment further as this has been our (the governments) principle since independence. On Wednesday, Zahid was identified as the critical witness supporting Najibs bid to compel the federal government and the Pardons Board to produce a purported supplementary order from the previous Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Zahids affidavit also claimed that Minister of Investment, Trade, and Industry Senator Datuk Seri Tengku Zafrul Aziz had affirmed the existence of the supplementary order. Tengku Zafrul subsequently said he would apply to correct certain factual errors, but did not specify the errors. In his application for leave to seek judicial review filed on April 1, Najib claimed the former Agong issued the order during the January 29 meeting of the board, for the former to serve the remainder of his reduced sentence under house arrest. On February 2, the Pardons Board halved Najibs sentence from a 12-year prison term to six years for misappropriating funds amounting to RM42 million, which means he may be released earlier on August 23, 2028. - Malay Mail, 19/4/2024

Hilang punca, Umno barangkali akan hilang terus di pilihan raya akan datang!- SIRI 2 - Wrlr - 15/04 4:31 pm

Ia hanyalah salah satu daripada gerabak kereta api, bukan lagi lokomotif. Kementerian yang diterajui oleh presiden Umno Zahid Hamidi mempunyai semua alat yang diperlukan partinya untuk pulih dari segi politik, jika dia pandai menggunakannya dengan baik

mempunyai kawalan monopoli ke atas tampuk persekutuan telah pun berakhir. Kelangsungannya kini bergantung pada hubungannya dengan gabungan lain yang menerajui kerajaan. Ia hanyalah salah satu daripada gerabak kereta api, bukan lagi lokomotif. Kementerian yang diterajui oleh presiden Umno Zahid Hamidi mempunyai semua alat yang diperlukan partinya untuk pulih dari segi politik, jika dia pandai menggunakannya dengan baik. Di bawah kuasanya, beliau mempunyai Kemas (untuk pembangunan masyarakat), Jakoa (untuk Orang Asli) dan Mara (untuk perniagaan dan biasiswa pelajar). Di bawah bidang kuasanya, beliau juga mempunyai pihak berkuasa pembangunan di negeri Kedah, Kelantan dan Terengganu (negeri sekarang di bawah pimpinan Pas), serta agensi pembangunan di Johor dan Pulau Pinang. Lebih cantik, Zahid juga seorang Timbalan PM, yang memberinya hak untuk menjual mukanya ke mana-mana sahaja. READ MORE: Having lost its way, Umno could be toast in the next polls! Portfolio lain yang dipegang oleh menteri kabinet daripada Umno barangkali tidak akan banyak membantu dalam usahanya mengembalikan undi Melayu kecuali untuk pertahanan (undi tentera), perdagangan dan industri (usahawan), pendidikan tinggi, perladangan dan komoditi, bersama dengan portfolio beberapa timbalan menteri, yang memainkan peranan yang lebih kecil. Jadi, Umno kini berada dalam mod survival. Kerajaan Madani kehilangan begitu banyak kerusi utama kepada PN, disebabkan oleh kekalahan teruk Umno dalam beberapa pilihan raya negeri tahun lepas. Sebahagian besar berpendapat ia akan menjadi tugas berat bagi Umno untuk tidak terus lenyap dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang. Kapal Umno telah pun hilang angin dalam layarnya yang compang-camping itu dan dengan memalukan, gagal menghalang gelombang hijau daripada memamahnya. Adalah satu pertaruhan yang sia-sia, malah bodoh, bagi Perdana Menteri Anwar Ibrahim untuk mengorbankan lebih banyak kerusi kepada Umno dengan memberinya lebih banyak kerusi untuk bertanding dalam pilihan raya akan datang, hanya untuk mudah diratah oleh PN. Setakat ini, tiada tanda-tanda Umno sedang melakukan perkara yang betul untuk memenangi hati dan fikiran. Demografi undi Melayu hanya melebihi 50% daripada penduduk Malaysia. Bumiputera lain, terutamanya dari Sabah dan Sarawak, tidak semestinya menyokong dasar perkauman Umno. Jadi perebutan undi Melayu akan diperjuangkan menerusi empat cara: Pas dan Bersatu yang berjuang untuk hidup, Umno dan PKR + Amanah. Tetapi dengan membuang begitu banyak pemimpin berpengaruh yang terdahulu serta kehilangan hala tuju selepas pilihan raya umum lalu, Umno tiada lagi daya tarikan dan sinarnya. Diskaun hukuman 50%, siri rentetan di mana para panglima Umno yang menerima hukuman lepas tanpa pembebasan, dan tingkah laku Akmal yang angkuh hanya membantu menguburkan parti untuk selamanya. Boikot sokong membawa rebah? Ramai penganut Islam berang dengan isu stoking yang mengandungi perkataan Allah yang didakwa dijual di KK Super Mart, menganggapnya sebagai menghina agama. Walaupun kita tahu sekarang ia tidak dilakukan dengan sengaja dan telah melalui banyak peringkat pemeriksaan kastam, pengimport, pembekal dan kawalan kualiti KK entah bagaimana, stokin itu masih terlepas untuk dijual. Seadilnya, sebaik sahaja laporan polis telah dibuat dan mereka yang terlibat kemudian didakwa di mahkamah, orang ramai harus membiarkan undang-undang dan keadilan dijalankan. Itulah titah Agong kita, Sultan Ibrahim. Tiada siapa yang patut menyemarakkan lagi kemarahan. Sebaliknya, mereka harus terus menghormati sensitiviti kepercayaan masing-masing dan mengekalkan keamanan dan ketenteraman. Di negara yang rencam seperti Malaysia, konflik kecil kadangkala timbul disebabkan oleh budaya dan tradisi yang berbeza. Untuk mengatasi keadaan sedemikian, kita mesti bersedia untuk meredakan konflik dengan cepat bersama-sama dan kekal bermotivasi untuk membina suasana keterangkuman melibatkan semua rakyat Malaysia.

Umno dan PH Selangor perlu utuhkan kerjasama - Msomelayu - 12/04 12:38 am

Apa lagi menurutnya, seperti dilaporkan Umno mewujudkan jawatan baru dinamakan Majlis Desa Madani (MDM) sebagai gantinya yang akan diisikan oleh anggota Umno. Perwujudan jawatan itu dibawah Kementerian Kemajuan Desan dan Wilayah yang dipegang oleh presiden Umno Ahmad Zahid Hamidi

membentuk kerajaan hari ini, boleh relai begitu sahaja. Hal ini jangan dianggap remeh tetapi perlu melihat potensi ia akan jadi koyak rabak lebih luas. Usaha mententeramkan keadaan perlu dilakukan segera. Kepada PH (Keadilan, DAP dan Amanah) jangan sesekali mereka merasa gah dan kuat di Selangor tanpa Umno walaupun parti itu menyumbang hanya dua kerusi dalam pilihan raya lalu. Dua kerusi itu penting sebagai benih kepada perpaduan di antara keduanya maka ia perlu dipupuk. Semangat kerjasama atau coopratif sangat perlu. Justeru Amiruddin Shari selaku Menteri Besar dan juga pengerusi PH Selangor perlu duduk semeja segera dengan lebih lama bersama Pengerusi Mmno Selangor Megat Zulkarnain Omar Din untuk menyelesaikan perkara ini. Perkembangan terbaru merungsingkan apabila Umno negeri itu menerusi pengerusinya Megat Zulkarnain memaklumkan pihaknya akan mengembalikan semua 75 jawatan Majlis Pengurusan Komuniti Kampung (MPKK) yang diperuntukan kepada Umno. Pengembalian itu seperti tidak ikhlas dan dibuat kerana merajuk sahaja. Apa lagi menurutnya, seperti dilaporkan Umno mewujudkan jawatan baru dinamakan Majlis Desa Madani (MDM) sebagai gantinya yang akan diisikan oleh anggota Umno. Perwujudan jawatan itu dibawah Kementerian Kemajuan Desan dan Wilayah yang dipegang oleh presiden Umno Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Untuk apa jawatan itu sebenarnya kalau bukan hendak cari gaduh? Perwujudan jawatan itu sudah dibincang bersama semua ketua-ketua bahagian di Selangor dan telah pun diterima oleh menteri berkenaan. Watikah kepada pengerusi dan setiausaha untuk 746 jawatan itu akan disampaikan selepas hari ini. Jawatan itu akan diwujudkan di semua kampung di Selangor. Memahami perwujudan dan fungsi jawatan itu sama dengan fungsi dan peranan MPPK yang diwujudkan sebelum ini. Bidang kuasa dan skop kerjanya juga sama, dan ini sudah tentu apabila jawatan ini wujud akan berlaku pertindihan tugas dan kuasa, berlaku perebutan untuk saling menguasai kawasan dan komuniti di peringkat bawah. Tidak sepatutnya dalam sebuah kampung atau desa mempunyai dua ketua. Perbalahan di antara Umno dan PH bermula apabila Umno tidak berpuas hati dengan pengagihan 271 jawatan majlis PBT di 12 kawasan sebelum ini dimana Umno diperuntukan hanya 20 kerusi. Kerana tidak berpuas hati dengan jumlah itu Umno mengembalikan semua jawatan itu dengan meminta gantian agar semua 373 jawatan pengerusi JKKK diserahkan kepada mereka. Mengenai perwujudan jawatan pengerusi dan setiausaha berjumlah 746 itu ia akan diisi oleh ahli Umno. Jelas perwujudan dan peranan jawatan itu untuk menyaingi jawatan pengerusi MPPK dan ini menyebabkan berlaku pertentangan di antara satu sama lain. Sudah pasti kedua-dua pihak akan berebut untuk mempengaruhi rakyat di kawasan masing-masing, ketika inilah pergaduhan akan berlaku. Kesan perebutan itu juga nanti ia akan membawa kepada perbalahan ke depan khasnya sewaktu menghadapi pilihan raya akan datang. Kedua-dua pihak akan mempunyai calon pilihan raya yang berbeza berdasarkan merit mereka. Apabila kedua pihak merasakan lebih kuat dan berpengaruh, mungkin kerjasama mantap dalam pilihan raya tidak diperlukan, dan ketika itu akan berlaku pertandingan secara bersendirian. Sekiranya berlaku keadaan demikian, akan berlaku perpecahan undi kepada Umno dan PH situsi ini akan menguntungkan PN yang dilihat lebih solid dan ghairah untuk tawan Selangor. Waktu ini PN sedang menanti perpecahan dan pergaduhan di antara Umno dan PH seperti menanti air deras di parit berlekok untuk memasang lukah. Pimpinan atasan bagi kedua-dua parti BN dan PH jangan biarkan keadaan ini berterusan, satu formula dan jalan penyelesaian hendaklah segera dilakukan. Apa yang berlaku kini umpama guni beras yang mulai bekah, jika tidak dijujut dan dijahit ia akan memborakkan keadaan. Baik Umno dan PH, buangkan ego masing-masing dan bersikap "tasamuh" jika mereka mahu kekal menguasai Selangor dalam Piraum akan datang. [wm.kl. 11:28 am 12/04/2024]

House Arrest for Najib? Even the King/Ruler must follow the Constitution/Law? - An opinion piece - Charleshector - 4/04 10:58 pm

The Pardons Board said it had also decided to reduce his RM210 million fine to RM50 million, and his early release would be contingent on him paying this amount. Najib said his lawyers also wrote to, among others, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail as well as de facto law minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said, seeking confirmation on the existence of the supplementary order

Minister - the King then appoints him/her as Prime Minister. The peoples' representative MPs can at any time remove any Prime Minister > No more PM once he/she loses the confidence or support of the majority of MPs... Malaysia is a CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY - this means that the Constitution is Supreme, and even the government and the King cannot do anything against the Federal Constitution. Everyone, including the King, has to obey the law, and if the King commits a crime, the King too can be charged in court - the Special Court was created for this Art. 183(3) The Special Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to try all offences committed in the Federation by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or the Ruler of a State and all civil cases by or against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or the Ruler of a State notwithstanding where the cause of action arose. Hence, the King of Malaysia, is different from the King in UK, because UK does not have a written Constitution, and Malaysia does. In Malaysia, it is the Federal CONSTITUTION that sets out what a King can do on his own, and what he must do AS ADVISED by the Prime Minister or others. 40Yang di-Pertuan Agong to act on advice (1) In the exercise of his functions under this Constitution or federal law the Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall act in accordance with the advice of the Cabinet or of a Minister acting under the general authority of the Cabinet, except as otherwise provided by this Constitution; but shall be entitled, at his request, to any information concerning the government of the Federation which is available to the Cabinet. (1A) In the exercise of his functions under this Constitution or federal law, where the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is to act in accordance with advice, on advice, or after considering advice, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall accept and act in accordance with such advice. What the King can do on his own without following the advice of any is limited, and it is stated in Article 40(2) (2) The Yang di-Pertuan Agong may act in his discretion in the performance of the following functions, that is to say: (a) the appointment of a Prime Minister; (b) the withholding of consent to a request for the dissolution of Parliament; (c) the requisition of a meeting of the Conference of Rulers concerned solely with the privileges, position, honours and dignities of Their Royal Highnesses, and any action at such a meeting, and in any other case mentioned in this Constitution. Even when it comes to the appointment of the Prime Minister - the King cannot appoint anyone that he pleases to be Prime Minister. He can only appoint a MP ' who in his judgment is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of that House' (Art 43 (2)(a)). So he cannot appoint someone who does not have the support of the majority of the MPs. Now, we go to the power of PARDON , where here again, the King has to act on the advice of the pardons board. What can the King do ' has power to grant pardons, reprieves and respites in respect of all offences'. There is nothing in Article 42 that says that King has the power to remove a person serving his/her prison sentence, and order that he be placed under 'HOUSE ARREST'. Nor has the King the power to order special treatment in prison, or order that a prisoner to sent to another prison. If the King made such an order for 'HOUSE ARREST', then it would be ultra vires ( acting or done beyond one's legal power or authority) the Federal Constitution. Yes, the King's power is also determined by what the Federal Constitution states. Pardons - forgive one who committed a crime REPRIEVES - cancel or postpone the punishment of (someone, especially someone condemned to death). RESPITE - respite (from something) a short break or escape from something difficult or unpleasant. In the Constitution, they talk about '.. grant pardons, reprieves and respites in respect of, or to remit, suspend or commute sentences...' Hence, the Pardon powers of the King is restricted - he can commute death sentences to imprisonment, he can commute whipping to maybe imprisonment, he can shorten prison sentences or even end imprisonment and release. The King in exercising Pardon Powers cannot OVERTURN criminal convictions - that is the role/duty of the Courts and Judges(remember all High Court Judges, Court of Appeal Judges and Federal Court Judges, including the Chief Justice is all appointed by the King. So, if the King overturns any criminal convictions, he is overturning the decision of the King's judges - and that is ODD. It also implies maybe that the King has lost faith in his Judges - if so, then maybe Judges must be removed??? So, the King's Pardon powers, in my opinion, does not include OVERTURNING CONVICTIONS. In the past, some Courts had relied on Regulation 113 of the Prisons Regulations 2000, made by the Minister pursuant to the Prison Act 1995 - but, this is Regulation made by the Minister alone, unlike an Act of Parliament that is passed by Parliament. Hence it is absurd, in my opinion, to use such a Minister made Regulation to conclude or even suggest that the Pardon Powers of the King as stated in the Federal Constitution include both convictions and sentences. Pardon powers relate only to SENTENCES and not convictions. It does not make sense that a King or Ruler can overturn the conviction of the King's Judges. It is a 'slap in the face' for the Judges if this happens...Overturning convictions is something that should be left to the Courts. However, pardon can commute or reduce sentences because it is an act of 'MERCY' by the King/Ruler which should be based on good reasons Now, since the King or Ruler must act in accordance with the advice of the Pardons Board , the King/Ruler should never be faulted for any wrong or unacceptable decision. The fault, in my opinion, should lie with the Pardons Board who had given 'bad' advice or advice that is against Malaysian laws to the King/Ruler. When any criminal is sentenced to imprisonment, he serves his prison sentence in the same prisons as every other convicted criminals. In some countries, there may be prisons for hardcore or serious crimes, and prisons for small-time criminals. Article 8 (1) All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law. Addendum Order, which would allow him to serve his reduced prison sentence under condition of home arrest instead of Kajang Prison. ISSUE :- Does the King have the authority or power to order Najib to be placed under 'HOME ARREST' instead of serving out prison sentence in prisons? In my opinion, the King does not have that power - but let us see what the court says. What is ODD is the delay in raising this issue, as Najib was pardoned at the end of January - although there are still doubts? ISSUE :- Will it be right for Najib to be given house arrest, whilst other prisoners serve out their sentence in prisons? What does it mean? Does it mean that Najib can stay at home with family and servants, be allowed to have visitors, internet and phones...Will all other prisoners also be applying to the King for house arrest? Interesting also is the fact that this issue of how the issue of 'house arrest' was just raised by the government recently...and, after about a month, Najib claims that the King ordered house arrest, and then the Home Minister says he is 'NOT AWARE' - he should either say YES or NO - a 'not aware' position is unacceptable. Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail today said he is not aware of a purported supplementary order from the previous Yang diPertuan Agong, for former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to serve the remainder of his reduced sentence under house arrest. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is yet to respond - note that a member of the Cabinet was in the Pardons Board, and so was the Attorney General. Is Anwar also 'not aware'? ## There were some cases that dealt with Pardon, and I will discuss them at a later date. There have been some ERRORS is some of these judgments. In new bid for judicial review, Najib claims previous Agong wanted him to serve remaining sentence at home Former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak (centre) at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex, April 3, 2024. Picture by Hari Anggara By Kenneth Tee Wednesday, 03 Apr 2024 2:52 PM MYT KUALA LUMPUR, April 3 Former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has applied to the High Court to compel the federal government and the Pardons Board to produce a purported supplementary order from the previous Yang diPertuan Agong. In his application for leave to seek judicial review filed on April 1, Najib claimed Al-Sultan Abdullah Riayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah issued the order during the January 29 meeting of the board, for the former to serve the remainder of his reduced sentence under house arrest. Al-Sultan Abdullah of Pahang reigned for five years as the 16th King of Malaysia until January 30, after ascending the federal throne on January 31, 2019. Najib claimed that while the supplementary order or Addendum Order was made on January 29, it was omitted when his partial pardon was announced on February 2. His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong XVI had also immediately or simultaneously issued an Addendum Order on the same day which was within the powers and jurisdiction of His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong XVI. The Addendum Order curiously was not announced by the fourth, fifth, and sixth respondent or by any of the other respondents when the announcement of the Main Order only was made. This anomaly was never revealed nor explained by any of the respondents, he said in his application. A total of seven respondents were named in Najibs suit, namely the Home Minister, Commissioner General of Prisons, the Attorney General, the Federal Territories Pardons Board, Minister in the Prime Ministers Department (Law and Institutional Reform), the Director General of Legal Affairs Division and the Malaysian government. In the application, Najib alleged that he received confirmation on February 12 about the issuance of the Addendum Order, which would allow him to serve his reduced prison sentence under condition of home arrest instead of Kajang Prison. Najibs application is set to be heard before High Court judge Datuk Amarjeet Singh Serjit Singh on April 4. On February 2, the Pardons Board halved Najibs sentence from a 12-year prison term to six years for misappropriating funds amounting to RM42 million, which means he may be released earlier on August 23, 2028. Najib has been imprisoned since August 23, 2022, after the Federal Court upheld his conviction for criminal breach of trust, power abuse and money laundering over the misappropriation of SRC International Sdn Bhds funds. The Pardons Board said it had also decided to reduce his RM210 million fine to RM50 million, and his early release would be contingent on him paying this amount. Najib said his lawyers also wrote to, among others, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail as well as de facto law minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said, seeking confirmation on the existence of the supplementary order. In his grounds for the application, Najib said the Agongs orders are not merely administrative decrees but reflections of the legal and moral authority vested in the monarchy. Therefore the respondents disregard to the requests of the applicant constitutes a direct intrusion of the applicants basic right as provided in the Constitution and the laws generally. Over and above this the defiance of the respondents constitute a direct contempt of the Institution of His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong. The respondents failure to answer the existence of the supplementary order and the applicants request to be served with it, along with the subsequent inaction by the Prison Department and the home minister to execute the said order is irrational, unreasonable, illegal and arbitrary, Najib said. Other reliefs sought by Najib include for the court to compel the respondents to execute said supplementary order. - Malay Mail, 3/4/2024 Najib wants house arrest, claims former King had ordered it By NURBAITI HAMDAN Nation Thursday, 04 Apr 2024 KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who is jailed for offences linked to the misappropriation of funds from SRC International Sdn Bhd, is seeking to serve the remainder of his prison sentence under house arrest. In his latest legal action, the former prime minister filed a judicial review application, claiming that there was an addendum order by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in the royal pardon granted to him on Jan 29, whereby in the addendum, he was allowed to serve his prison sentence under house arrest. The application will be heard at the High Court before Justice Amarjeet Singh today. Najib filed it through law firm Messrs Shafee & Co on Monday. He named the Home Minister, the Commissioner General of Prisons, the Attorney General, the Federal Territories Pardons Board, the Minister in the Prime Ministers Department (Law and Institutional Reform), director-general of the legal affairs at the Prime Ministers Department and the government as the first until the seventh respondents, respectively. In the notice of application, Najib sought a mandamus order that all of the respondents or one of them to answer and verify the existence of the addendum order dated Jan 29. Najib is seeking a mandamus order where if the addendum order exists, all or one of the respondents must execute it. He is also seeking a mandamus order for all or one of the respondents to produce a copy of the royal decree and the addendum order, both dated Jan 29. Najib is also seeking costs and other reliefs deemed fit by the court. - Star, 4/4/2024 Proposed home detention is to reduce prison crowding, not to let Najib off the hook, says home minister Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail speaks to reporters after visiting Rumah Seri Kenangan in Ulu Kinta, Ipoh March 4, 2024. Picture by Farhan Najib By John Bunyan Monday, 04 Mar 2024 3:11 PM MYT IPOH, March 4 Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail today clarified that the proposed introduction of home detention is merely to reduce the congestion in jails nationwide. Saifuddin said that allegations suggesting the plan was proposed to specifically place former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, a convict in the 1MDB corruption case, under home detention is not true. I want to refute the mischievous narrative played by a handful of media that the proposed home detention is meant for Najib. The proposed implementation is targeted specifically for certain categories of prisoner. There will be a panel that evaluates the type of offence, and it is only meant for prisoners serving jail time of four years or less. If they are sentenced to prison for up to 20 years because of a serious crime, no way will we be putting them under home detention, he told a press conference after visiting Rumah Seri Kenangan in Ulu Kinta here. Saifuddin pointed out that there are approximately 80,000 inmates housed in 43 prisons across the country at the moment. The current prisoner ratio per 100,000 population is at 244 in our country. This exceeds the international standard ratio of 145 prisoners per 100,000 population. So this is why we came up with the proposal to reduce the crowding in jails and not for other purposes, he explained. Earlier today, non-governmental organisation Projek SAMA called for a White Paper on the proposed introduction of home detention as an alternative to imprisonment for select prisoners to prevent potential abuse and the emergence of a two-tiered legal system. The organisation said the White Paper will instil public trust that house arrest will not transform into an exclusive benefit for influential criminals or, worse, be manipulated as a bargaining tool in political negotiations. It said if Najib were to employ home detention as a covert strategy to escape imprisonment, the trust deficit between Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his government, and both Malaysians and the international community would worsen.- Malay Mail, 4/3/2024 Home minister denies knowledge of 'addendum' on house arrest for former PM Najib Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail speaks during press conference in Putrajaya April 4,2024. Picture by Miera Zulyana By Muhammad Yusry Thursday, 04 Apr 2024 3:19 PM MYT PUTRAJAYA, April 4 Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail today said he is not aware of a purported supplementary order from the previous Yang diPertuan Agong, for former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to serve the remainder of his reduced sentence under house arrest. However, Saifuddin said he received a letter from Najibs lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah a few days ago. I have no knowledge of it. He (Shafee) mentioned specifically about the addendum and then he sent a letter to me, you know, so as of now, I can say clearly that I do not know about it, he said during a press conference at his ministry here. Saifuddin said he will respond to the letter accordingly when the time is right. I have received a letter from Tan Sri Shafee in the past few days. Today I followed the report on addendum and all sorts of things. Of course, I will respond accordingly when the time comes because in our knowledge, so far, I can comment that I have received a letter, he said. He added that the letter contains the same content as what was read in the court. Yesterday, Najib applied to the High Court to compel the federal government and the Pardons Board to produce a purported supplementary order from the previous Yang diPertuan Agong . In his application for leave to seek judicial review filed on April 1, Najib claimed Al-Sultan Abdullah Riayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah issued the order during the January 29 meeting of the board, for the former to serve the remainder of his reduced sentence under house arrest. Al-Sultan Abdullah of Pahang reigned for five years as the 16th King of Malaysia until January 30, after ascending the federal throne on January 31, 2019. Najib claimed that while the supplementary order or Addendum Order was made on January 29, it was omitted when his partial pardon was announced on February 2. In the application, Najib alleged that he received confirmation on February 12 about the issuance of the Addendum Order, which would allow him to serve his reduced prison sentence under the condition of "home arrest instead of Kajang Prison. Najibs application is set to be heard before High Court judge Datuk Amarjeet Singh Serjit Singh on April 4. - Malay Mail, 4/4/2024

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Ten dead as Navy helicopters collide mid-air in .. - BBC
Ten dead as Navy helicopters collide mid-air in Malaysia ?? BBC.com 10 killed after 2 Malaysian military helicopters collide mid-air during navy parade rehearsal ?? CNA Malaysia navy helicopters collide in mid-air, killing all 10 onboard ?? The Guardian